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Archive for the 'social networks'
May 25th, 2016 by zen
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Posted in 21st century, 3 gen gangs, 4GW, amazon, analytic, anthropology, Apocalyptic, authors, blasphemy, blog-friends, book, ceremonial, Charles Cameron, counterterrorism, criminals, cultural intelligence, culture, death, dystopia, extremists, gangs, historians, ideas, illegal combatants, insurgency, intellectuals, interdisciplinary, law enforcement, magic, management of barbarism / savagery, myth, narcoterror, networks, non-state actors, occult, organizations, primary loyalties, psychology, radicalization, Religion, robert j. bunker, sacred, sacrifice, sane / insane, secret, sectarian, social networks, society, state failure, symbolism, terrorism, Theology, theory, torture, transnational criminal organization, tribes, tyrrell, war, warriors | Comments Off on Announcing ! BLOOD SACRIFICES
April 20th, 2016 by zen
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Posted in 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, academia, al qaida, analytic, ancient history, anthropology, authors, black globalization, blowback, book, comparative, connectivity, contemplative, cultural intelligence, culture, Evolution, Failed State, foreign policy, government, historiography, history, Human Rights, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, interdisciplinary, international law, lawyers, legal, legitimacy, Liberalism, liberty, national security, networks, non-state actors, paradox, Patterns, philosophy, politics, primary loyalties, Questions, rule-sets, security, social networks, social science, society, state failure, theory, tribes, Uncategorized | 3 comments
June 12th, 2015 by zen
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Posted in 21st century, 4GW, academia, Afghanistan, Break it Down Show, COIN, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, DIME, expertise, Failed State, government, ideas, insurgency, intellectuals, intelligence, interdisciplinary, military, military intelligence, non-state actors, Perception, Podcast, politics, population, reform, social networks, social science, social services, society, soft power, Taliban | 1 comment
September 23rd, 2013 by zen
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Posted in 16th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, America, America 3.0, analytic, anthropology, authors, book, community, complexity, cultural intelligence, culture, david ronfeldt, economics, Evolution, freedom, history, ideas, intellectuals, network theory, networks, organizations, politics, social networks, society, synthesis, theory, tribes | 7 comments