Archive for the 'soft power'
December 14th, 2012 by zen
The Violent Image by Neville BoltĀ Columbia...
Read morePosted in 21st century, 3 gen gangs, 4GW, academia, Adaptability, analytic, authors, book, COIN, counterinsurgency, cultural intelligence, history, ideas, imaginal, insurgency, intellectuals, IO, military, military history, myth, national security, network theory, networks, non-state actors, organizations, Patterns, politics, reading, social media, social networks, social science, society, soft power, strategy, symbolism, Tactics, tech, terrorism, theory, visualization, war, warriors, web 2.0 | Comments Off on New Book: The Violent Image by Neville Bolt
June 22nd, 2012 by Charles Cameron
Posted in attention, Charles Cameron, complex systems, connectivity, conservativism, consilience, creativity, cultural intelligence, Design, earth, ecosystem, emotion, framing, freeplay, futurism, games, geopolitics, graphical thinking, hard problem in consciousness, insight, koan, metacognition, nuance / subtlety, pattern language, Patterns, peace, Perception, personal, philosophy, photography, physics, primary loyalties, Religion, resilience, rethinking thinking, sacrament, scenario, seed, soft power, symbolism, synthesis, terrain, thoughts illustrated, Uncategorized, wicked problems | Comments Off on One bead for a rosary
March 20th, 2012 by zen
Jason Fritz at Inkspots had a thoughtful post...
Read morePosted in 21st century, Afghanistan, analytic, blogosphere, chet richards, counterinsurgency, DIME, diplomacy, foreign policy, geopolitics, government, ideas, intellectuals, IO, iraq, islamic world, john boyd, military, national security, Perception, politics, public diplomacy, soft power, state building, strategist, strategy, theory, war | 5 comments
February 10th, 2012 by zen
I have no interest in signing up but the social...
Read morePosted in politics, social networks, society, soft power, tech, web 2.0 | 5 comments
April 15th, 2011 by zen
Colin Gray is one of the four or five go-to...
Read morePosted in 21st century, academia, America, analytic, authors, counterintuitive, cultural intelligence, culture, DIME, diplomacy, foreign policy, ideas, intellectuals, national security, social science, society, soft power, strategy | 1 comment
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