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Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

Announcing the Tournament of Home Offices!

Friday, April 24th, 2009

Ok, things are quiet here because I am overdue on a chapter for Nimble Books on Fifth Generation Warfare, edited by Dan of tdaxp. I am also currently brain dead from work and other responsibilities, so I thought it might be time for something that was both viral and almost completely pointless. 🙂

First, there was Thomas P.M. Barnett:

Then there was Dave Dilegge:


And then there’s me:


I propose a “Tournament of Home Offices” where those tagged must reveal the heart of their tiny blogging empire and in turn, tag 5-7 fellow bloggers to participate in this time-wasting charade, as well as linking back to the person who tagged them originally.  Only one photo counts as an entry but additional pics may be posted. A winning home office is recognized by informal consensus and the winner receives as a prize absolutely nothing. Multiple winners may be possible and, most likely, are expected as the tournament progresses. Spouses are free to enter their blogger without their prior permission in the interest of general mockery.

I hereby tag the following:

Lexington Green

Michael Tanji

Dave Schuler

Shane Deichman

Tom Wade

Dan of tdaxp

Tim Stevens

And now a bonus pic from a bookshelf….

Off Line

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

I have various soccial activities this weekend plus a chapter to finish for an upcoming book on 5GW, edited by my amigo, the serendipitous Dan of TDAXP. As a result posting will probably not occur until Sunday.

Apology for Technical Difficulties

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

To: Anybody who has sent me a message recently using the contact form.

I just discovered that my email from Siteground has been routed into my junk folder in my main account since….well….I’m not sure how long. If you sent me something and never received a response, you have my sincere apology and please do not take it personally; in all likelihood, I never saw it at all.

I’m currently responding to what I have from the last ten days but if you sent me something before then that you’d really like me to look at, leave a note in the comments so I can get in touch with you.

Undisclosed Location

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Having some ISP issues at home that are causing internet connectivity to flicker on and off. Hopefull, the problem will be rectified by tonight

Standing By….

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Have an article in the works for Pajamas Media, not sure when it will appear and some unrelated irons in the fire. Normal blogging will resume today.

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