[ by Charles Cameron — Trump, Assad and Trump ]
The first way, which is drawing a lot of fire these days, is via the Trump “Muslim ban” —

— but it ain’t the only way: angering al-Assad can also do the trick.
An alternative example of the first kind would give us this —

— in some ways it’s a closer match, since both Russo and Khatib were traveling to significant events where their work would be highlighted. On the other hand, the Muhammad Ali Jr instance is powerful by reason of the issue of his religion coming up..
Guardian, US border agents ask Muhammad Ali’s son: ‘Are you a Muslim?’
Vox, The White Helmets cinematographer Khaled Khatib was coming to the Oscars
Guardian, Leading French academic threatened with deportation at Houston airport
But then we could also juxtapose the alternative first examples with one another, making a DoubleQuote of two instances of problems with US border agents —

— and yes, much of the world is looking on.