Keys to Leadership ?
Tuesday, September 30th, 2008I’ve come across this information lately from several sources but this one was blogospheric. Some interesting implications for anyone involved in a complex organization in a position of even mid-level leadership:
Kouzes and Posner write in their classic leadership book,The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations (Jossey-Bass Management Series)
, that through their research of over 60,000 leaders across continents, they’ve uncovered 5 practices and 10 commitments of excellent leaders:
Practice Number One: Leaders Challenge the Process
- Commitment #1: Leaders search out challenging opportunities to change, grow, and improve.
- Commitment #2: Leaders experiment, take risks, and learn from the accompanying mistakes.
Practice Number Two: Leaders Inspire a Shared Vision
- Commitment #3: Leaders envision an uplifting and ennobling future.
- Commitment #4: Leaders enlist others in a common vision by appealing to their values, interests, hopes, and dreams.
Practice Number Three: Leaders Enable Others to Act.
- Commitment #5: Leaders foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust.
- Commitment #6: Leaders strengthen people by giving power away, providing choice, developing competence, assigning critical tasks, and offering visible support.
Practice Number Four: Leaders Model the Way.
- Commitment #7: Leaders set the example by behaving in ways that are consistent with shared values.
- Commitment #8: Leaders achieve small wins that promote consistent progress and build commitment.
Practice Number Five: Leaders Encourage the Heart.
- Commitment #9: Leaders recognize individual contributions to the success of every project.
- Commitment #10: Leaders celebrate team accomplishments regularly.