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Archive for August, 2003

Friday, August 22nd, 2003


” Korea is one of those places where the United States has a vital interest in seeing peace and stability. The North Koreans are isolated now that the Soviet Union doesn’t exist; they’re desperate and, frankly, nuts”

Richard Nixon

Friday, August 22nd, 2003


Turkish leaders may be seriously miscalculating the effects of playing ” diplomatic hardball “ with Washington over Iraq.

Friday, August 22nd, 2003


Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has penned a critique of Bush policy in Iraq for Foreign Affairs. I was set to do a Fisking of some of her arguments but then, as I read further, her damned intellectual integrity reared it’s head, offering this backhanded compliment to Bush:

“Although I was proud of the Clinton administration’s foreign policy, and I understand that democracy cannot be imposed from the outside, I regret not having done more to push for liberalization within the Arab world. We did nudge at times, supporting Kuwaiti leaders in their initiative to give women the vote and encouraging the creation of representative bodies in Bahrain and Jordan. But we did not make it a priority. Arab public opinion, after all, can be rather scary. The same Pew survey that detected Arab enthusiasm for democracy also found that the “world leader” in whom Palestinians have the most confidence is Osama bin Laden. Who wants to give people with such opinions the right to choose their own leaders? The answer is us: we should do everything possible to see that they are given that right.

For years, Arab populations have received a distorted message from Washington: that the United States stands for democracy, freedom, and human rights everywhere except in the Middle East and for everyone except the Arabs. The time has come to erase that perception and the reality that too often lies behind it. Democracy will not end terrorism in the Arab world, but neither will it nourish it, as despotism does. Bin Laden’s appeal is based on what he symbolizes: defiance. In fact, he offers nothing except death and destruction, and Muslim majorities will reject this if they are offered real alternatives.”

Say what you will about the Clinton era, amongst a foreign policy crew of bureaucrats, lawyers and feckless wonks indistinguishable for the grayness of their mediocrity, Madeleine Albright stood out for her determination and moral clarity. Her head is on straight.

Thursday, August 21st, 2003


Niall Ferguson on The Two Hegemonies.

Thursday, August 21st, 2003


David Horowitz’s Frontpagemag.com has been running a series of roundtables on various topics moderated by Jaime Glazov. This latest one on al Qaida was excellent, well worth the investment of time to read. The panelists really honed in on the ideological-movement aspect of al Qaida and there was substantive debate over the magnitude of the threat Islamism poses.

If the panelists erred, it was in rejecting the comparison with Nazism and Communism, doing so on the grounds of the mighty military threats posed by the Third Reich and the USSR. Well, that really wasn’t the direct analogy; look at the Nazi Party and the Volkische-nationalist fringe in Weimar Germany circa 1921-1923 or the Bolsheviks, Left Socialist Revolutionaries and Anarchists during the brief rule of Kerenskii’s Provisional government and the comparison looks apt.

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