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Archive for July, 2006

Monday, July 24th, 2006


Paul Kretkowski’s Beacon features a post by John H.Brown, a former Foreign Service officer and the compiler of the respected Public Diplomacy Review. An excerpt:

“Public Diplomacy Dateline 2001: Willis Conover, the American Deejay Who Penetrated the Iron Curtain for 40 Years

My best episode of public diplomacy in my 20-year foreign service career is a 2001 jazz festival in Moscow honoring Willis Conover, the legendary host of the 40-year Voice of America Jazz Hour program that had such an impact on Eastern European audiences during the Cold war. The event, organized by the cultural section of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and Russian jazz organizations—and financially supported by the State Department and the Voice of America—commemorated the fifth anniversary of the death of this extraordinary disc jockey, whose unforgettable baritone voice, turning his heartland American English into a kind of musical composition of its own, introduced millions outside the United States to the uniqueness—and universality—of jazz.

American and Russian musicians took part in the two-day celebration, which drew a packed house and many young people. It was wonderful to see how Willis—without whom, arguably, the Cold War would not have ended—was remembered with such affection and admiration in what was formerly “enemy” territory. Conover had become a part of the collective memory of jazz lovers, an artistic genius (so unlike crude propagandists involved in the East-West struggle) who made the best of American cultural achievements accessible to information-starved listeners behind the Iron Curtain eager for an alternative to communist efforts at mind-control.

It is ironic that Willis is practically unknown in his own country, as his programs were not aired stateside due to the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which prohibits the domestic dissemination of U.S. government-supported information products intended for foreign audiences.”

Read John H. Brown’s guest post in full here.

Monday, July 24th, 2006


Other online projects and fun family activities have put a dent in my blogging lately but I’ll try to remediate that this week. Here are my picks this Sunday:

Dr. Sam Crane at The Useless Tree -” The Middle East War: What Would Sun Tzu Do?

Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett – ” WWIII is the wrong metaphor” ( incidentally, I agree)

William Lind at DNI -” The Summer of 1914

John Robb at Global Guerillas -“ ISRAEL’S LEBANON MASHUP

Valdis Krebs at Orgnet.com – “A Self-organizing network model of the Mideast

Federalist X at Amendment Nine -” The Better Barnett

Dan of tdaxp – “AfroIslamic Gap v. New Core, Reloaded

Younghusband at Coming Anarchy-” WWIII is not realism, it’s romanticism

CKR at Whirledview -” War Talk

Eddie at Live From the FDNF -” Does The Blank Check Bounce On July 31st?”

LTC Rick Francona at Middle East Perspectives -” Israel-Hezbollah: Preparing the battlefield

That’s it !

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006


Paul D. Kretkowski, journalist and proprietor of Beacon has invited me to participate next weekin a blogging series to answer the question What was the best single episode of public diplomacy ever, and secondly, what has been the most influential element of soft power of all time?”.

Kretkowski has assembled an impressive team of contributors and I’m flattered to be included amongst them. They are:

“—Former Foreign Service Officer and Public Diplomacy Reviewer John H. Brown

—University of Leicester and USC professor Nicholas Cull

—Former FSO and WhirledView contributor Patricia Kushlis

—Harvard professor and Soft Power author Joseph Nye

—Intel/military maven and ZenPundit founder Mark Safranski

—CSU Fullerton associate professor and USC senior fellow Nancy Snow

I will be linking to each contributor’s post daily but I encourage you to visit Beacon and offer your comments on this important series.

Friday, July 21st, 2006


Blogfriend Josh Manchester of The Adventures of Chester has become a contributing writer at TCS Daily and his first article is ” Shaken, Not Stirred “. Congratulations to Josh on the new writing gig.

I like to see my blogfriends rising in the world.

Friday, July 21st, 2006


By Human Rights Watch, according to Marc at American Future, for possibly deliberately targeting civilians.

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