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Archive for July, 2006

Thursday, July 13th, 2006


John Robb points to this very disturbing post by Larry Johnson that indicates that the furor over SWIFT might have been a distraction from a leak that was a far more serious and damaging national security. (Yes, I’m aware that Larry tends to hyperventilate about politics but he also has actual expertise worth considering).

My basic position remains the same as with SWIFT – these leaks are remarkably unhelpful and must stop, which means that ” bigfoot” leakers – those filling positions from the EOB apex down to the deputy assistant secretary level, plus the CSRA 1978 “superclass” of senior bureaucrats and key Congressional staffers – need to be prosecuted and do some jail time. Yeah, a whistleblower exception makes sense but only if narrowly defined.

So, I may very well have blown the call on SWIFT, and for that I apologize. A good reminder for me to “watch your friends as closely as your adversaries”. Thank you, John.

Have to pick up that Susskind book…..

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

100,000th VISITOR !

Zenpundit crossed the 100,000 mark this morning with a visit from a reader at NASA !

The anonymous visitor has won “the Musashi” award in recognition for their fine contribution.

Thursday, July 13th, 2006



The Cooperation Blog

Readers with a bent toward futurism, technology and social change will enjoy these two blogs quite a bit.

Gracious thanks to Dave Davison, Howard Rheingold, Mike Love and Andrea Saveri for reaching out. I look forward to learning and sharing.

Thursday, July 13th, 2006


A hot topic, broadly defined, in the blogosphere these past few days.

Fabius Maximus at DNI has offered up some geopolitical predictions. An interesting piece – I found myself both nodding in agreement as well as disagreeing throughout. Fabius has a nice spread of geographic regions and topics in a relatively brief article.

LTC Dr. Thomas P. Odom has a great article in the new edition of The Small Wars Journal entitled “Guerrillas From the Mist: A Defense Attaché Watches the Rwandan Patriotic Front Transform from Insurgent to Counter Insurgent. Dr. Odom is not only an interesting writer and sharp debater, as the article shows, he’s put his boots in some of the world’s more hellish places.

The Grand Strategist reaches out to the Global Guerilla and the Global Guerilla reaches back.

Speaking of which….

John Robb had a strategic assessment of the terrorist bombing in Mumbai. Then, Lexington Green of Chicago Boyz disputed Robb’s interpretation, essentially pointing to the Strategic Bombing Survey that, as in the case of the Third Reich, a system’s resiliency is too easily underestimated. Then Tom Barnett weighed in, arguing that while Robb is correct that terrorists are pursuing “systempunkt” in the end “Terrorism is a strategy of the weak, and it earns them only what the powerful decide they no longer want.” I tend to agree; 4GW movements that remain locked into a 4GW mindset degenerate into nihilism, unless they can make the cognitive jump to becoming a constructive force that articulates what Colonel John Boyd called a “ theme for vitality and growth“.

Finally, to blow my own horn, the thread at the Small Wars Council, Theory & Practice , that became a guest post at the invitation of Bruce Kesler at Democracy Project, was placed by Eddie of Live From the FDNF at Mudville Gazette and picked up, again courtesy of Mr. Kesler, by Military.com. Nice !

Evidently, asking a question and getting the hell out of the way while smart folks respond is a good blogging strategy for me. Much thanks to Bruce as well as to Dave Dilegge and Eddie. A team effort from start to finish !

That’s it!


John Robb offers rebuttal and clarification to Lex and Tom

Thursday, July 13th, 2006


Out most of the day. In addition to hosting kiddies and consequent visit to the swiming pool, our new dog got hold of some kind of medication, ate it and had to go to the vet. Followed by a trip to the nearest animal hospital, many injections, tests and a $ 1300 bill. Ouch.

I am now drinking a cold Sam Adams. Cream Stout to be specific.

It won’t be the last.

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