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First, I must thank Dr. Barnett for the unexpected but much appreciated first edition of Blueprint For Action which could not have arrived at a better moment ( it is a lot easier to write a review and look up points of fact to quote if your book has an index, which the uncorrected proof edition Tom had his publisher send earlier did not have). The hardcover jacket looks awesome and BFA is almost identical in size as The Pentagon’s New Map creating a sweet “twin” look on my bookshelf. I realize these gratis copies are far fewer in number than the people who would like to get their hands on one, so Tom’s gesture is one for which I am most grateful ! Thanks also to Michael Barson and Matthew Venzon at G.P. Putnam’s Sons who handled the review copy distribution for BFA.

Secondly, I must note and congratulate Curzon, Younghusband and Chirol, the esteemed gentlemen at Coming Anarchy for their 1st anniversary and blogospheric success ! Their provocative and intriguing presentation of controversial subjects, firsthand experience in far-off lands and speaking difficult ( for Westerners) languages and all-around fearlessness gives CA its distinctive and growing presence among bloggers. To use an appropriately Victorian themed cheer for Coming Anarchy – ” HUZZAH !”

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