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I’ve noticed that the blogosphere, or at least the part I find worth reading, tends to produce high quality postings in bursts ( pulses ? ) with peaks and valleys in terms of both quality and quantity. It’s been pretty good these last few days and I had trouble paring this list down to something readers will find manageable:

Eddie at Live from the FDNF reviews Ralph Peters book New Glory.

Simon at Simon World on “ What Part of East Asia is Important?”

Sean Meade at Interact has a post that includes both Star Wars: Clone Wars and Newt Gingrich running for President

Coming Anarchy, one of my perennial favorites, sees Younghusband on Sherman Kent, one of the fathers of the CIA and Chirol expounding on Isolationism.

Chester liveblogged the Iraqi vote. The man is committed !

Dr. Michael Scheuer in On Point on ” Al Qaida and the Jihad Without Bin Laden“.

Earl at Prometheus6, has good news for all those bloggers suffering the heartbreak of comment spam

Curtis at Phatic Communion mixes biowarfare, Islamist terror and Game Theory .

That’s it !

One Response to “”

  1. Sean Says:

    Thanks, Mark! (I told you not to do anything rash đŸ˜‰

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