The file contradicts the claims of Baghdad, bin Laden and many critics of the coalition that there was no link between the Iraqi regime and al-Qa’eda. One Western intelligence official contacted last night described the file as “sensational”, adding: “Baghdad clearly sought out the meeting. The regime would have wanted it to happen in the capital as it’s only there they would feel safe from surveillance by Western intelligence.”
Over the past three weeks, The Telegraph has discovered various other intelligence files in the wrecked Mukhabarat building, including documents revealing how Russia passed on to Iraq details of private conversations between Tony Blair and Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, and how Germany held clandestine meetings with the regime.
A Downing Street spokesman said last night: “Since Saddam’s fall a series of documents have come to light which will have to be fully assessed by the proper authorities over a period of time. We will certainly want to study these documents as part of that process to see if they shed new light on the relationship between Saddam’s regime and al-Qa’eda.
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