Musa al-Sadr: an honorable death

[ by Charles Cameron — Libya, missing cleric ]



image of Musa al-Sadr by Sajjed-Al-Hadi, DeviantArt

Robert Worth, in a New York Times piece titled The Surreal Ruins of Qaddafi’s Never-Never Land today, describes a conversation with one “Omar” who used to work for Libyan intelligence, and mentions in passing “the murder of Musa Sadr, an Iranian-Lebanese cleric who disappeared in Libya in 1978”.

In parentheses, Worth notes:

(Omar said Sadr was beaten to death after daring to challenge Qaddafi at the dictator’s home on matters of theology.)

An honorable death.


I wrote about the significance of Musa al-Sadr in Return of the Vanished Imam?