At the intersection of Religion and Politics

[ by Charles Cameron — Metaxas (Christian) and Hindus (Bollywood included) ]


Eric Metaxas for Trump:

What does Trump have to do with Samson? It goes way past the hair issue…

— Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) October 16, 2016

Hindus for Trump:

Flip the banner and it's Trump on a lotus at the RHC #HindusForTrump (3/n)

— Sowmiya Ashok (@sowmiyashok) October 16, 2016


Eric Metaxas is the author of the widely praised biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.

  1. Charles Cameron:

    OTOH, here are two anti-Trump uses of the DoubleQuotes idea in the form of “side by side comparisons”


    and a third: