Tuesday, March 25th, 2003
SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN ACADEMIA The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has guides to protect Constitutional rights on college campuses. No tax-payer supported PC fascism on the quad allowed, boys.
SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN ACADEMIA The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has guides to protect Constitutional rights on college campuses. No tax-payer supported PC fascism on the quad allowed, boys.
THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION plans to get things right in Iraq prior to letting in the UN bureaucrats who might undermine security or attempt to block necessary reforms of Iraq’s political system and delay the prosecution of war crimes until a cumbersome and dilatory Rwanda-style UN tribunal can be set up.
U.S. Is Assembling a Civilian Team to Run Iraq
ASHINGTON, March 24 — The United States is preparing to establish immediate sole control of postwar Iraq, initially without recourse to the United Nations, with a civilian administration under the direct command of the military, according to senior administration officials.
Even before American troops reach Baghdad, administration officials are assembling a team of civilian officials, largely retired American diplomats, to run Iraq as soon as the fighting is over.
The administration has decided that helping the country and its people recover after the war will require a civilian corps in place working with the military as it tries to establish security throughout the country.
European and Asian diplomats, while offering to help rebuild Iraq, raised questions last week about American plans to administer postwar Iraq without a central role for the United Nations.
While the issue is debated at the United Nations and the European Union, the administration is going ahead with its plans for a civil peacekeeping operation under the direction of Jay Garner, the retired general who directs the Pentagon’s new Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance.
” Practical politics consists in ignoring the facts “
Henry Adams
THE HIGH COST OF UN DIPLOMACY may end up being measured in the loss of American lives as sandstorms complicate the advance into Baghdad, affect delicate equipment and provide additional cover for movement of the Feydayeen Saddam. Advocates of the UN approach in the punditocracy like Tom Friedman who is e-mail debating Andrew Sullivan on the topic need to explain how the UN provides any kind of moral sanction when key members of the Security Council – France, Russia and China – have negotiated in bad faith from the inception. The recent revelations of direct Russian and French military aid to the Iraqis via corporations and dummy companies demonstrates clearly the flaw in using the UN for any problem where there does not already exist a strong consensus among the great powers. The UN is a tool to pursue national interests and house international aid organizations and little else. To view the UN as a repository of inherent moral authority not possessed by its member states that comprise it is foolish romanticism – a myth that now could fill body bags.