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Archive for March, 2003

Thursday, March 20th, 2003

DECAPITATION ATTACK: The nature of last night’s missile and smart bomb attack to kill Saddam Hussein testifies to the nature of the regime. Formerly, as during WWII, ” decapitation ” attacks were specifically avoided because removing a country’s high leadership would eliminate the only legitimate authority that could negotiate a surrender or a peace agreement. The war machine, in other words, might not be able to be ” turned off ” and the enemy nation, it was presumed, would continue fighting blindly. This was why the Allies targeted neither Hitler nor Emperor Hirohito during WWII despite the strategic and symbolic value in killing those two Axis leaders. Today, the assumption is that absent the horrific terror Saddam wields, few Iraqis would be willing to fight and die for him.

Regimes like Iraq are inherently illegitimate regardless of the conventions of international law that treat them as lawful and sovereign states. These states are rogues both externally and internally staying in power by criminal methods of mass terror that indicates they lack even the minimal consent of the governed or representation of national interests of past totalitarian dictatorships. Part of the upcoming revision of international law will be a gradual change to dempnstrate greater democratic accountability if states wish to claim sovereign legitimacy and have it be respected.

Thursday, March 20th, 2003


“Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said: “I’m saddened, saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy that we’re now forced to war. Saddened that we have to give up one life because this president couldn’t create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country.” Mostly, the Democrats were saddened that America was about to win a war. “

– Ann Coulter

Wednesday, March 19th, 2003

NON-IRAQ DEPARTMENT Nat Hentoff discusses the Asian-American perspective on U. of Michigan’s affirmative action program.

Wednesday, March 19th, 2003


From the AP “….Before Annan closed the three-hour meeting, the world’s staunchest opponents of invading Iraq told the Security Council there was no proof Saddam Hussein posed a threat.

“If today, we really had indisputable facts demonstrating that from the territory of Iraq there was a direct threat to the United States,” Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Wednesday, his country would use “any means” to help.

But no proof has been produced, Ivanov said, and the Security Council had been brushed aside.

His determined remarks were coordinated with the foreign ministers of France and Germany, who also addressed the council in a symbolic protest that was highly unlikely to affect Washington’s resolve to topple the Iraqi president.

“Germany emphatically rejects the impending war,” Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said. Iraqi was slow and misleading during the inspection process, but can such tactics “seriously be regarded as grounds for war?” he asked.


Wednesday, March 19th, 2003


Courstesy of Andrewsullivan.com

Mass desertions weaken Iraqi defences

From David Sharrock in Northern Kuwait

Masses of Iraqi soldiers are deserting and senior members of President Saddam Hussein’s ruling family circle are defecting as the countdown to a British and US invasion reaches its final hours.

In northern Iraq, on the border with Kurdistan, up to three-quarters of some Iraqi regiments have already fled.

In the mainly Shia Muslim south, Kuwaiti border guards are having to turn Iraqi soldiers back – telling them that they must wait until an attack begins before they can surrender.

And in a highly significant development in Baghdad a half-brother of President Saddam, who is regarded as the dictator’s closest adviser, has fled in the past week to Syria.

Sab’awi Ibrahim Hasan Al-Tikriti, who is regarded in the United States as a possible war criminal, has sought refuge in Damascus. His flight from Baghdad suggests “fractures developing within the regime”, according to a secret-level intelligence report which The Times has seen.

The reports, which are updated at least four times daily and distributed among senior British and US officers paint a picture of the dying hours of Saddam’s 30-year iron grip on Iraq as it finally and dramatically falls apart, even before the British and US invasion gets underway.

“We are looking at wholesale desertions in some areas,” said an intelligence officer.

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