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Archive for April, 2006

Monday, April 17th, 2006


Recently, TCS Daily published “Development in a Box” by Stephen DeAngelis of EnterraSolutions and the companion Enterprise Resilience Management Blog, in which Steve outlined how fostering “resiliency” was a key component of postconflict stabilization efforts. The core of his “Development in a Box ” approach was as follows:

“In this new convergence of people, processes and technology, there is the heart of an entirely new opportunity for post-conflict reconstruction. To realize the potential, it’s necessary to create a flexible framework — one that brings together private- and public-sector capabilities for the post-conflict task. Tom Barnett, author of The Pentagon’s New Map and I have been at work on such a framework, which we call “Development in a Box.” We see its development in four stages.

In the first stage, best practitioners — from both government and the private sector — set to work on the challenge of post-conflict reconstruction in a particular country or region. Best practices, standards and performance metrics are established — determining, for example, that “this is the most effective rapid manner in which to set up a central bank.” These best practices are then recorded in a catalogue for core infrastructural platforms.

In the second stage, the best practices catalogue is put into action — local institutions are established according to its guidelines. As part of this process, the needed technology platforms are put in place — we provide pre-configured information systems and associated technologies, such as container scanners for port security. In effect, we jump-start the systems and establish trust within the country, which is a node in a larger geo-political ecosystem of “trusted nations.” These nations, in turn, make it possible to connect that node safely to the larger networks of transactions that we call the global economy.

The third stage is truly revolutionary. Here, best practices and information systems converge. The best practices, standard operating procedures and compliance rules for each institution are transformed into executable software code that governs the operation of each institution. Business logic, best practices and governance operate directly through the information systems. Additional automated rule sets are embedded that connect the institutions in a secure, compliant and efficient manner to global partners such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization. The node-state, once verified, joins the larger network under conditions of real trust and efficiency.

In stage four, the local population takes over. Locals are offered training to operate the core infrastructural platforms. Training involves the local community in the transfer of intellectual capital, and aligns the natural ambitions of local leaders with the local population on the one hand, and the global community on the other. It is in the self-interest of the local community to master best practices, best technologies, and global connectivity and integration. All of those, in turn, lead to local self-sufficiency and stability, shortening our term of providing aid.”

DeAngelis was talking about the principle – encouraging a resilient, connected, system- on which state building or what Dr. Barnett refers to as System Administration intervention, should be premised. There would be an enormous range of application in practice. Somalia’s problems differ from Bosnia’s which are not the same as Iraq’s; hence the stress by DeAngelis on flexibility and private sector entities which are more nimble and adaptive than are government bureaucracies acting alone. I agree with this philosophy but the article evoked some odd reactions from a few TCS readers, one of whom angrily wrote:

“DeAngelis’ “four stages” read like a sick roadmap to that happy condition known as state corporatism, which was brought to the modern world by Mussolini, among others. I smell a rat and the rat is fasci_m pure, simple and by Mussolini’s very own definition.”

Most TCS readers are libertarians or conservatives with libertarian leanings who have great affection for free market economics( a position I generally share) but the response of that reader comes from libertarianism’s older, darker and reactively purist traditions. Aside from missing the point of the article, being entirely wrong about Steve’s motives and daft with the historical analogies, this is not a very constructive political stance for libertarians to take. One they still take all too often, rather than pragmatically influencing the political process ( or the world, in the case of Development in a Box) to move further in the direction of freedom.

I suspect that part of the problem lies with the era, basically the early to mid twentieth century, in which the foundational treatises and manifestos of libertarian philosophy and economics were written. Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Albert Jay Nock, Rose Wilder Lane, Isabel Paterson, Friedrich von Hayek, Murray Rothbard and others were staking out a very lonely intellectual position on behalf of liberty, one which went against the spirit of the age. Statism was not only triumphantly dominant everywhere but in many nations it was genocidally murderous as well. As such, these writers often had an undercurrent of pessimism or bitterness in their works which are fundamentally critical of their society’s direction. Not always, of course, but often enough that many readers today still imbibe this negative aspect and drink all too deeply.

This attitude is wrong. America and the world at large has serious problems. Many of them will get worse if they are left unaddressed or are approached in the wrong manner. But the world of 2006 looks a hell of a lot better than the world of 1976 when the Soviet Union’s rulers felt that everything was going their way and the United States was a ” pitiful, helpless giant”. This is due in no small part to the power of the ideas of these authors who so stridently attacked tyranny and government monopoly and unambiguously called for the unleashing of human creativity and freedom.

When libertarians are leaping on each and every proposal and attacking when some new policies could potentially expand choices and markets, simply because the idea deviates from “Anarcho-Capitalism” or because it conflicts with something Ayn Rand once said, is idiotic. More than that, it does their legacy a disservice; the Right’s equivalent of sophmoric, campus, Trotskyism.

The behavior is destructive. It marginalizes libertarians politically and leaves the field to those for whom government is the first, best and last solution.


Shawn at Asia Logistics Wrap, has also commented on the reaction to “Development in a Box”:

“This is a strange leap to make from this article. The dynamic database of best practices that Mr. DeAngelis describes is not a one-way street–it is a two-way dynamic, shaped in real-time by global performance standards regularly adapted to local requirements. Although the initial database effort will rely on well-known, best practices in the “Functioning Core” and “New Core” (to use Barnett’s language), these best practices through DeAngelis’ concept would be highly adaptive to new challenges and before-unexperienced adversity on the ground. Thus, a country like Iraq is as likely to export best practices during its conflict/post-conflict/post-disaster phase as it is likely to import “baseline practices.” Such a system would wholly exclude any “Core” best practices that were deemed/proven unsuitable for the region of concern–DeAngelis is not suggesting we force pegs into square holes. As he states, “Flexible, spontaneous, boundary-free collaboration — as exemplified by “Development in a Box” — is the framework that we need today.”

Monday, April 17th, 2006


Cleaned up the old blogroll tonight. Long overdue deletions as some blogs had died or were not even blogs at all ( I have kept a few non-blogs on for my personal convenience). I did however add a few new blogs:

Asia Logistics Wrap


Fog of War


Enjoy !

Monday, April 17th, 2006


There has been a great stir in the media and in the blogosphere about a group of retired, prominent, senior generals who have criticized Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s handling of the war and called for his resignation. Recently, other retired generals, equally senior and well known, have come to Rumsfeld’s aid, offering public support and sometimes rebuking his critics. The Pentagon has isssued what amount to ” talking points“on the Secretary’s performance. Other politicians have weighed in and the President has given his Secretary a full vote of confidence.

My thoughts on the matter are basically twofold.

In terms of Rumsfeld’s performance how one views the war in Iraq seems to have much to do with whether you give Rumsfeld a favorable review or believe he is a disaster. Few of Rumsfeld’s blogospheric critics know or care all that much about issues like, say, defense transformation where Rumsfeld has had a huge impact ( and angered many senior officers) or will have enough integrity to give him his share of the credit where military action in Afghanistan or Iraq have gone well. That simply goes down the memory hole for them. Likewise, a knee-jerk defender of Rumsfeld skips over the Secretary’s responsibility for mishandling Abu Ghraib and for the larger problem of the dysfunctional CPA itself, which should have been shelved and replaced by a proper and tough-minded military governorship after the Jay Garner debacle.

The fact is that in major wars, there are major errors. Many major errors. Tactical, operational and strategic errors are committed before the war comes to a close. And that is on the victorious side. The last Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, presided over disasters including the loss of the Philippines, Kasserine Pass and the initial reverses of the Battle of the Bulge. Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, had the misfortune to go through miserable years of defeat and retreat. The great and justly acclaimed General George C. Marshall, the architect of victory in WWII, as Truman’s Secretary of Defense, had to suffer much blame during the highly unpopular Korean War. The idea that the United States can wage a war on al Qaida or in Iraq or anywhere for that matter and never suffer a reverse or make mistakes is nothing short of ahistorically surreal.

My second thought is that while it is fine for former generals to criticize Rumsfeld’s performance as Secretary of Defense – I would say they have an obligation to do so in regard to matters of professional competence – orchestrating a collective call for Rumsfeld’s ouster is not. The United States is not Turkey, Guatemala or Pakistan. Uniformed soldiers in this country – and these generals are eligible to be recalled to duty – do not get to pick their civilian chiefs; they do not get so much as a veto. That remains the sole perogative of the President of the United States and the upper house of the legislative branch and no other.

This media campaign sets an incredibly bad precedent for the overt politicization of the American officer corps, one that is now being fed by the generals defending Rumsfeld and both sides need to stop immediately. If a retired general has an itch for politics, then he needs to run for office or particpate openly as a partisan in the democratic process and not attempt to speak as a gray eminence of the military college of cardinals. George Marshall, Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower – men who knew something about separating the roles of military and civilian leaders and which of the two outranked the other – would be aghast.

Bloggers on Rumsfeld vs. The Generals:

QandO, Don Surber, Ranting Profs, Brad Plumer, Armchair Generalist, Caerdroia,

Dan Drezner, Intel Dump, Mountain Runner, Whirledview-PLS,

Whirledview-CKR, Penraker, Judith Klinghoffer , The Adventures of Chester

(Various hat tips to: Memeorandum )

Sunday, April 16th, 2006


A mixed bag.

Further intelligent dialogue and expansion of the analysis of the Lind article, by Wigguns at OSD and by Sonny at FX-Based. Their very different Defense field backgrounds makes for a good tag-team approach on issues of doctrine or theory. Very complementary.

Colonel Pat Lang of Sic Semper Tyrannis on the growing power of Iran’s extremist Basiij.

Dan makes the inevitable grad student discovery…”Marxism is Useless“.

Via Sean at Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett’s blog, an act of synthesis by Shawn Beilfuss at Asia Logistics Wrap, a post entitled “Flows-Architectures-Resiliency Matrix“( “Professionals study logistics”). Have to add Shawn to the ‘roll….

Dr. Sam Crane wishes people a Taoist Easter

Jules at Fog of War outlines Peter Singer’s PMC ideas. Singer is a think tanker and the author of Corporate Warriors, a seminal study of the PMC phenomenon. For my Francophile and linguist readers, Jules also has a French blog.

The State of Nebraska, in its infinite wisdom, has officially enacted legislation to intentionally segregate children in the Omaha Public School district by race. For very different opinions from very different bloggers, here are Geitner Simmons, Prometheus 6 and Dan of tdaxp.

Stephen DeAngelis continues to explore “Modularity” – this tme with a concrete example that is causing a tumult in the business world. ( I have to get a move on in writing a solid ” Meta-Principles” post).

That’s it ! Happy Easter ! More blogging to come later today……

Friday, April 14th, 2006


Working on a number of posts that I would like to resolve during the long holiday weekend, including the conclusion to “Foreign Policy and the American Elite” ( many thanks to those who offered criticism, comments and advice on the series, including Bruce Kesler and reader Jacob H. ) and the ” Wave theory” offered by Dave.. I also will have a comment soon on the general’s war over Donald Rumsfeld.

In the meantime go read the el grande post on Iran at The Adventures of Chester.

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