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Economics as if spirit matters most

[ by Charles Cameron — Zen Buddhist monasticism and the Desert Fathers concur ]

SPEC DQ no work no food


I’m grateful to Grurray for pointing me to the Desert Fathers quote, which reminded me to chase down the Suzuki.


  • DT Suzuki, Selected Works, Vol III, Comparative Religion
  • Dylan Pahman, The Monk as Merchant: Economic Wisdom from a Desert Hermit
  • One Response to “Economics as if spirit matters most”

    1. Grurray Says:

      “Work—especially physical labor—wards off the passion of acedia, a sort of spiritual listlessness that causes laziness, boredom, and discontent.”
      Acedia was more than that to the old monks. It was a demon that infested the heart with discouragement, despair, and hatreds. I’ve seen it compared to Mara, the tempter of Siddhartha, but I’m not sure that’s the right analogy.

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