Halting Problem, P and NP to start with.. chyrons &c 33
{ by Charles Cameron — including off and on security clearances, Biden and personal space, Trump and groping, kissing, Sovereign Citizens, a billion dollar swindle, and a cruise named Conspira-Sea — and on and on ]
So, Fox had a chyron gaffe —
— it’s worth a chuckle — now move along..
Okay here’s enantiodromia:
Trump will put $100 billion into a slush fund so he doesn’t have to deal with budget cuts:
Republicans have spent a generation complaining about deficits, government spending and attacking a so-called “big government.” Yet, within just a few years the entire party has turned 180 degrees.
and a nice paradox:
If P gets things right then it lies in its tooth;
and if it speaks falsely, it’s telling the truth!
Where did I get that?
If it was Dr Seuss, I’m betting he’d have employed and enjoyed pee (male) and queue (female), which would have made youthful readers giggle and blush.
That’s Epimenides territory btw, as in “all Cretans are liars”.
Getting back to news chyrons — I wasn’t awake to catch this when it showed up on Morning Joe, but a piece on RawStory pointed me to it:
Joe Scarborough:
Once again, we’re just looking through a glass darkly, and have no idea what Mueller
Tom Nichols (professor, Naval War College):
I would love to play poker with the president because he’s a walking bundle of tells.
CNN Situation Room 4/1/2019:
Donald Trump: We’ll keep it closed for a long time. I’m not playing games.
Kellyanne Conway: It is certainly not a bluff.
MTP 4/1/2019:
Jeh Johnson:
You don’t have to the the former Secretary of Homeland Security to know you can’t shut down a 1,900 mile border. It’s a little like decreeing that it should stop raining..
[ cf King Knut ]
[all of them Mexico?]
Jeh Johnson:
Cutting off aid is the exact wrong thing to do ..
Note the lovely symmetry there, equivalent to projection
Ari Melber:
Neil Katyal:
You can’t be playing Ducks and Drakes and releasing selectively some quotes here and some quotes there..
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