Distracted by a project in the works today that ultimately I think will please Zenpundit readers a great deal but it is still in the formative stage. Therefore, let the recommendations begin:
Dan of tdaxp, on his second grad degree, is being inundated by all kinds of academic, au courant, rad-crit theorizing. Never fear for Dan being unmasked by the Big Cheese however, as he knows how to walk without rhythm.
Lord Curzon at Coming Anarchy discusses Ninjas in the Congo.
Horizontal thinkers may be biologically more efficient
That’s it !
October 21st, 2005 at 2:04 pm
Basha, not sheikh, but that aside it’s really a tediously medoicre endeavor. Buffoonish.
Not sure why this is news, though. Lots of medoicre cartoon translations are done all the time. I guess many think this is unusual. It’s not, it’s typical (both as a general matter and as to the medoicrity of the effort).
October 21st, 2005 at 6:13 pm
” Basha, not sheikh”
What is the difference between the two ? I thought the latter was simply a courtesy honorific ( like the Germans used to do with ” Excellenz” for respectable but minor figures of note).
October 21st, 2005 at 6:14 pm
Hmm..does ” Basha” imply ” father” ?
October 21st, 2005 at 8:56 pm
Well, I was being a bit precious but my best excuse is that I have a metric fuckling ton of Arabic banking documents to run through.
But to answer the question:
(i) Sheikh is Arabic for ‘old man’ but by extension ‘leader’ (esp. in a tribal or religious sense).
(ii) Basha is actually an Arabisation of Turkish. In Turkish Basha (act. root ‘bash’ or ‘pash’) means something like father or head or chief (I believe it is the exact equivalent of the Arabic rais, which means at once ‘head [of], captain, chief, president’- like the Ethiopic, Ras; also think Turkmenbashi) but in Imperial Turkish was a military title. Much of the Arab world under Ottoman rule absorbed this title (Pasha, Basha), along with others. The areas of direct Turkish rule are particularly strongly influenced.
(iii) My rather too special ‘correction’ was about Egyptian usage, they say Basha in an honorific manner (as in Basha Mohendis; something like Master, Engineer) – Homer being a technician and not a tribal or religious figure is a Basha or a Mohendis or a Basha Mohendis.
(iv) The whole comment is entirely too special and arch, and I regret it excect it gave me the silly pleasure of typing Basha Mohendis which amuses me to no end. It amuses me even more to append Bey
(v) The cartoon is still terrible and insult to the original, the Egyptian cretins who are behind it should be strung up by their tongues in good old Mamlouk style. Not that Homer et al could not be translated or reinterpreted into Arabic, but this effort is an insult.
October 22nd, 2005 at 3:00 am
Lounsbury Bey,
Interesting, that it was a derivation of ” Pasha” didn’t even cross my mind. I was thinking Indo-European series of related words Pater, Vater, Watan, Father etc.
October 22nd, 2005 at 6:45 pm
FYI, those Ninjas are not related to these guys.