HNN has posted an intriguing article by historian Maya Jasanoff entitled ” What New Empires Inherit From Old Ones“. It will be, I think, of substantial interest to the gentlemen at Coming Anarchy and to Dr. Nexon.
Speaking of Coming Anarchy and empire, Chirol has a beautiful and well-crafted post on “Geopolitical Temptation in Europe” that deals with the evolution of the German states in strategic relation to the rest of Europe; Curzon has “Titus Pullo & Lucius Vorenus: Who were these guys?” up on the characters from the critically acclaimed HBO series ROME.
Empires, being centripetal in nature, are not part of the spirit of our age. A time beset by the nationalisms of proto-tribes yearning for flags and fictive sovereignties.
December 13th, 2005 at 5:20 am
A time beset by the nationalisms of proto-tribes yearning for flags and fictive sovereignties.
This is thrilling verbal gymnastics.
Whatever tribes persist or are being born will quickly die (from a relative historical p.o.v.), or else will reject Empire in favor of mass and perpetual diaspora.
In the meantime, they’ll try to kill each other.
Of course, I might be blowing smoke…
December 13th, 2005 at 5:34 am
No, you’re correct Curtis. They will try to kill each other.
And civilized man along with them.
December 13th, 2005 at 8:53 pm
Many thank yous kind sir for your recommendation. Nothing more satisfying then knowing the pro’s enjoy your work too =)
I’ve been voting Zenpundit for days, but like ComingAnarchy, not quite making it so far. Best of luck!
Checking out the empires article now!
December 15th, 2005 at 4:33 am
I liked the short article. Thanks for pointing it out.
I dunno about the whole empires thing. I tend to think that these factors complicate imperial control, but ‘never say never.’ China and Russia both have “inner empires” despite (or because of) nationalism.