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The next part of ” Foreign Policy and the Ameican Elite” is 95 % written but I’m meditating on it for a number of reasons:

One, because it deals with identifying ideologies and how they formed, the prospect of some readers going ape is high so I want to make certain I’m expressing myself with accuracy and clarity. If a reader goes off on a rant I’d at least want it to be because they understood me and objected rather than misunderstood me due to my own breezy charactrization of events.

Two, the post is getting rather long and I’m weighing breaking it into two parts. As Collounsbury once noted, my long posts can meander a bit. An economy of words, properly used, will be better.

Three, there is a rich opportunity to insert supporting links that I think will be considered worthwhile in themselves ( perhaps moreso than my post) and time has not permitted me to do so yet. Work, frankly, is eating up enormous amounts of creative energy ( and at times, seemingly to no purpose. Thus, making me want to jump up on a nearby table and wave my fist shouting ” Curse you, curse you all ! ” – but, in the interest of decorum, I exercise restraint).

It will be up soon. Then I will tackle other pressing issues, including Dave’s ” Wave Theory “.

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