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The Small Wars Council is one of my favorite discussion boards to peruse and read. Generally, as the board is primarily intended for former and current military personnel, I don’t comment there as frequently as I have in the past on history sites like HNN and H-Diplo but I add my two cents now and again.

One of those exceptions is a thread I began called “Theory vs. Practice“. The feedback and comments so far have been stellar as experienced veterans (including Sonny) discuss the impact, or lack thereof, of strategic theories on the reality of making war.

Hat tip to the esteemed Younghusband and the irascible J. Smith, a frequent commenter at Federalist X’s excellent blog Amendment Nine – both of whom inspired me to start the thread.

2 Responses to “”

  1. Dave D. (SWJED) Says:


    First off – thanks for the very kind comments – they are very much appreciated.

    That said, the SWJ and SWC are not intended for solely military and former-military types.

    As we stated in our mission statement – Small Wars are about all instruments of national power – we think of it as DIME with a small m.

    What can I say about your contributions to the discussion board? Nothing less than outstanding – thanks for bringing your perspective to the forum. Again, much appreciated.


  2. mark Says:

    hi Dave,

    You are welcome and thank you very much, I appreciate that Dave.

    Ok readers – you heard the man – historians, political scientists, economists, attorneys, bloggers, the SMC welcomes you too ! Check them out and consider joining the debate !

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