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Adding to my “Antilibrary”

A while back, around these parts we all compared our “antilibraries” of unread books. Well, despite not having any time lately to blog, much less read through the stacks of books that I already have, I went out and bought a few more. LOL!   

Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World

After Tamerlane: The Global History of Empire Since 1405

The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus

Journals: 1952-2000

Thumbing through a few of these was interesting. Schlesinger’s partisanship and hagiographic defense of the Kennedy family are of course, well known but his private writings are sprinkled with many sharp observations that the old historian-courtier never let loose in public when he was alive.

4 Responses to “Adding to my “Antilibrary””

  1. Lexington Green Says:

    Those all look good.

    In the immortal words of Herbert S. Foxwell, “I have often regretted not buying a book. I have never regretted buying a book.”. I share the sentiment.

  2. zen Says:

    hi Lex,
    Agreed. There’s a number of books, mostly collector’s items, that I wished that I had bitten the bullet on the cost at the time, which now would seem to have been relatively trivial expenditures. Sigh!

  3. SE’s Reading Program « Smitten Eagle Says:

    […] ZenPundit and others have written about their Anti-Libraries (the books they own but have not yet read).  I will do the same.  I will also publish a list of books I own and have read. […]

  4. Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » SE’s Reading Program - Updated Says:

    […] ZenPundit and others have written about their Anti-Libraries (the books they own but have not yet read). I will do the same. I will also publish a list of books I own and have read. […]

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