After his skilled moderation of The Clausewitz Roundtable, my friend Lexington Green has announced a new roundtable at Chicago Boyz for Fall of 2009 that will be dedicated to Xenophon’s The Anabasis of Cyrus
For those interested in participating in this roundtable, leave a note here in the comments for Lex or over at Chicago Boyz.
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on Tuesday, April 28th, 2009 at 4:14 am and is filed under academia, ancient history, authors, chicago boyz, classics, culture, europe, historiography, history, ideas, intellectuals, leadership, lexington green, mercenary, military history, philosophy, reading, strategy, Strategy and War, war, warriors, Xenophon Roundtable.
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April 28th, 2009 at 2:10 pm
I am going to try to do a quick read-through, so I know the lay of the land.
As of Book I, Chapter 6, I can say that leading an army of mercenary hoplites was not a task for a person of weak character.
It is also interesting to see a world where the framework and institutions we take for granted do not yet exist, or exist in only very basic form. By comparison, Clausewitz lived just yesterday, in a very recognizable world.
Xenophon’s world is radically different.
Some of our modern warlords would have found a niche back then: https://zenpundit.com/?p=2444
April 28th, 2009 at 3:27 pm
Very true. We can relate to how the Ancient Greeks thought because we’ve inherited their best examples and that shaped western civ; that said, much of their life would be alien to ours. The Spartans essentially living amongst their cemetaries within their polis would strike moderns as a little creepy.
Hmmmm, I believe it struck the other Greeks as creepy at the time, for that matter.
May 1st, 2009 at 3:50 am
[…] like to echo historyguy99, ZenPundit, and Lexington Green and pass along the announcement of the Anabasis Roundtable over at ChicagoBoyz […]