Tweet and response: polling religious interest globally?
[ by Charles Cameron — Pew — Iran? Saudis? ]
Here’s the tweet:
How strongly do different nationalities feel about #religion? @StatistaCharts
— World Economic Forum (@wef) April 30, 2016
It looks impressive, doesn’t it? The good folks at Pew have obvisouly done their homework.
And here’s the response:
Where are Saudi Arabia, Iran & theocratic states in this @pewresearch?
— Indira Lakshmanan (@Indira_L) April 30, 2016
Even when people try to remember that religion is part of geopolitics, they seem to suffer from selective amnesia.
The white spaces are either not countries, or not surveyed — a pity either way.
Furthermore, once we’ve got that covered, we’ll need two polls that dig deep & narrow for every one that digs wide & shallow. Oy.
April 30th, 2016 at 11:40 pm
Tim Furnish points out that “My understanding is that Iran won’t allow polling. I would think it’s the same for KSA.” He’s probably rifht, and I was probaboy being cranky.