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Meanwhile, back in Nice..

[ by Charles Cameron — from blessed peace to brutal war ]




Or as they say on Twitter, #FridayFollow Rukmini Callimachi.

4 Responses to “Meanwhile, back in Nice..”

  1. Charles Cameron Says:

    Simon Jenkins in the Guardian:

    Sympathy should be our only response to the Nice terror attack
    Defence lobbyists have become adept at drawing strength from terrorist incidents, citing them in the cause of ever more money and advanced kit. It was grimly ironic that the Nice crowd had just watched an aerial display by France’s lavish force of jet fighters. They were as much use as peashooters in the “war” that was subsequently unleashed on their onlookers – as was France’s arsenal of nuclear missiles and aircraft carriers.
    Hollande might more usefully have called up 10,000 psychologists or 10,000 Islamic historians. As for strengthening France’s role in the Islamist civil wars in Iraq and Syria, it is hard to imagine anything more likely to incite other young men to suicide attacks.

  2. Charles Cameron Says:

    From Deutsche Welle:

    Should this be shown? Two French films on terror
    It spookily anticipated what just happened in France.
    In the thriller “Bastille Day,” a bomb explodes in Paris. Several people are killed. It happens on July 13, the day before the French national holiday. Paris turns into a security fortress. Another attack is planned for July 14 – and it has to be stopped. This is the dramatic plot of the French-British-American action film “Bastille Day,” which has played in theaters in different European countries since April.
    In Germany, the film was released on June 23. In France, its initial release was postponed after the Paris attacks. It was released instead on the day of the attack featured in the film, on July 13. The distributors of the film are probably regretting this decision now, after the tragedy in Nice.
    Reality caught up with fiction, with slight changes in the nature of the attacks and where they took place.

  3. Charles Cameron Says:

    Mistaking Khamanei for Khomeini is a whole lot less serious than mistaking Shia and Sunni, as senior US intel committee members were doing just a few years back in 2006 — after 9/11, years after “mission accompliahed — and haven’t there been a few folk along the way who’ve confused the names Obama and Osama? — but still..
    And Megyn didn’t correct him?

  4. Charles Cameron Says:

    Incidentally — in these long tweet-series I’m doing my best to catch the essentials, obviously missing some things, and not yet organizing what are effectively notes into a coherent narrative — h/t Cheryl Rofer.
    Here’s one I missed that’s worth capturing:

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