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I came across this relatively young think tank by visiting Rebunk the new HNN blog by historian Derek Charles Catsam,Tom Bruscino and Stephen Tootle. FDD bills itself as a nonpartisan, anti-terrorism and pro-democracy institution:

“The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. that conducts research and education on the war on terrorism.

We produce independent analyses of global terrorist threats, exploring the historical, cultural, philosophical and ideological factors that drive terrorism and threaten the individual freedoms guaranteed within democratic societies. FDD is a non-partisan organization.”

Having very ideologically diverse ” big name ” supporters that include liberal progressives, Neoconservatives, Libertarians, Moderates and Social Conservatives, FDD reminds me of the old National Endowment for Democracy that was so vigorous in the Reagan era but has since run out of steam. Hopefully FDD will be able to fill that gap with intellectual firepower and new ideas.

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