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Catching up with Carson

Saturday, June 17th, 2017

[ by Charles Cameron — always amazed when theology makes its way into politics ]

I missed this when it first appeared, but wanted to capture it now I’ve found it (via a Lewis Black routine) —

Seems the amateur theologian Ben Carson — who relies heavily on his professional status as a neurosurgeon for credibility — thinks amateurs get the job done way better than professionals. Whether that opinion will lead to better ship-building by, eg, Hyundai, Samsung and Daewoo is another question: they may or may not take note of Biblical precedent in this matter.

Gartenstein-Ross on ISIS and Iran

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017

[ by Charles Cameron — sometimes a flurry of tweets can be the thing itself — see also today Michael Kenney on al-Muhajiroun ]

Here you go — Daveed as recommended by Phillip Smyth just now: today

Assuming that ISIS was behind the Tehran attack, as it has claimed, I have a few observations.

1) Attacking Iran differentiates ISIS from al-Qaeda. AQ has probably wouldn’t attack Iran due to the contours of the AQ/Iran relationship. Similarly, ISIS propagandized against the Taliban by arguing that they wouldn’t fight Pakistan, while ISIS was killing Pakistani soldiers. So there’s an obvious propaganda play ISIS can make here for a Sunni audience, parallel to its earlier Pakistan propaganda.

2) Iran is at the forefront of pushing ISIS’s caliphate back. So this is similar to other ISIS attacks against coalition countries. Nor is it clear that ISIS is concerned about provoking Iran: They already have provoked Iran. It’s fighting them on the ground now.

3) Wild card possibility: Unlikely, but could ISIS be making a play for Sunni state support, similar to what al-Qaeda gets? There are various reasons that I would bet against this, but I would put it on the table as a possibility, however remote.

Sunday surprise

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

[ by Charles Cameronlasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate ]

Scarier than any horror movie, more piercing than any fire and brimstone sermon, real life:

It is highly unusual for an open portal to be captured on film, but meteorologist James Spann caught this beauty as it was closing behind an unfortunate colleague.

Sunday surprise — naval biology, the sad fact of the matter

Monday, March 20th, 2017

[ by Charles Cameron — hilarious, with a hat-tip to Dr Farls — thundering herds of battleships, eh? ]

Blowback blues redux, and redux redux, recurring

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

[ by Charles Cameron — category title would be along the lines of “the unobvious which ought to be blindingly obvious” — maybe that explains why these things are so hard to see ]

It’s a pattern.


You can stumble on an unintended blowback example any day of the week — and thrice on some days:

let me quickly add the next two in Callimachi’s series:



  • TBIJ, Nine young children killed: The full details of botched US raid in Yemen
  • Politico, CIA Memo: Designating Muslim Brotherhood Could ‘Fuel Extremism’
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