zenpundit.com » Blog Archive » Welcome!


I’m hard at work trying to create a new blogroll and then a separate links page ( which frankly, is as much for my blogging convenience as anything else). Patience, patience….it may take me a few days.

17 Responses to “Welcome!”

  1. strat Says:

    Great looking site! Congratulations to you and Mrs ZenPundit.

  2. Zenpundit Says:

    Hi Strat,

    Much thanks ! I’m going to try to flesh out a few more pages over the holiday weekend.

  3. Daniel McIntosh Says:

    Looks great. I especially appreciate the reorganized archives.

  4. Wiggins Says:

    Love the minimalist layout! The old site was taking 30-60 seconds to load…

  5. zen Says:

    Thanks guys ! I hadn’t realized that it was that bad out there.

    I hereby take ” the pledge” to keep the site clean and free of half-assed applications and poorly sized, high resolution, graphics ;o)

  6. historyguy99 Says:

    Kudos to you and the Mrs!

    Site looks great, although the great graphics like the “Warlord” will not be jumping out at you as before. Also nice to see the real Zen!

  7. purpleslog Says:

    I am using firefox and the left part of the page is cut off unless I expand my window to maximum a size.

  8. zen Says:

    purpleslog…are you using the latest version of Firefox? What is your screen resolution/monitor size? I tested it on Firefox, IE and Safari, and it looked consistent. Thanks for the feedback.

    Mrs. Zen

  9. subadei Says:

    Ah, so this is the surprise. Looks excellent. If I ever “get real” with Soob I’ll keep your talented lady in mind.

  10. purpleslog Says:

    Hi Mrs. Zen,

    I am using the current Firefox (version 2.0.9).

    Resolution is 1028 X 768.

    I am using an HP L1940 19″ flat panel monitor.


  11. dona julia Says:

    Congrats on the new site! Mrs. ZP…I am impressed with your technical ability as well as your ability to get Zen’s permission to put his pic on his blog page 🙂
    Looking forward to navigating….

  12. Charles Cameron (hipbone) Says:

    Nice one, ZenP!

  13. PurpleSlog Says:

    Hi Mrs. Zen,

    I am at home now with the same with the same effect.

    I am using the current Firefox (version 2.0.9).

    Resolution is 1028 X 768.

    I am using an Sony CPD-E5000E 21″ monitor.

    It is the same if I use IE at home….so it is not a firefox add-on.

  14. zen Says:

    Hi Purple,

    Thanks for the info! Mrs. Z. is working on it but is a little stumped as to why you are seeing it as it is not showing here on the settings you described. Over my head, I’m afraid.

    Hi Historyguy99,

    Much thanks! The warlord pic was not resized because on that particular day, Mrs. Z was trying to address browser differences and the huge size of the jpeg was making that harder. I’m a strong believer in the cognitive effect of visuals so they will still be here – just a llittle better proportioned and consistent with the rest of the site.
    hi Sub

    My thanks – and thank you also for the kind write-up today! Just saw It:


    Hey Wiggins,

    Yeah, I had some emails about that problem. Hopefully we’re done with that problem for good ! Hoo-HA!

    Hi Dona Julia,

    She lobbied very hard for that change. We actually didn’t have many pics on hand to work with either and she rejected the idea of dark sunglasses being used.

    Hi Charles,

    Thanks! Glad you stopped by – I owe you an email!

    And now…to work !

  15. subadei Says:

    @Lady Zenpundit,

    I had a similar issue viewing the blog from work. Not sure what the resolution of the monitor was, but it’s an old, tube sort. Also was viewing in IE.

    From home on my laptop, I’ve viewed it fine through Opera, Firefox and SeaMonkey.

  16. Lisa Schwartz Says:

    Hi, Subadei and Purpleslog:

    Please let me know if you are still having the same issue with viewing the site. I did find a coding error that might account for the problem that you encountered. After I corrected it, I tested the site on http://www.browsercam.com/home.aspx, a service that allows a site to be tested on many, many browser types, versions and systems. It checked out A.O.K.

    On the other hand, the site was designed for a screen resolution/browser size of 1024×768…this is currently the most commonly used size. So if your browser is minimized to 800×600, you will not see the full screen width.

    Thanks very much for the feedback.

    Mrs. Zen

  17. zen Says:

    Just trying out this plug-in for giving comments a bit of style without having to use the HTML code.  I know, I know…you guys are more about function than form. 🙂  Anyway…it doesn’t really give a ton of formatting options…

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