The Official Gloom

The Armed Forces Journal on the economic decline of America.

The author makes too many assumptions regarding China’s resiliency.  The opacity of China’s hybrid, mercantilist-driven, political economy makes estimates of it’s true strengths and weaknesses difficult. We know how many treasury bills China has bought from us but not the real extent of hidden debt, underemployment or inflation. China’s leadership did not vastly increase the size of it’s paramilitary forces in the past decade because they were confident that it would all be smooth sailing ahead.


Chinese premier takes on politics 2.0

  1. Lexington Green:

    "Far from being the last nail in America’s coffin, the financial crisis may actually resuscitate U.S. power relative to its rivals."

  2. historyguy99:

    Here is the link to Wen’s remarks via Xinhau.

  3. Mark:

    Mark – thanks for including me in your addendum. I’ll have to read the AFJ piece. Mark