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Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

ZP Site work

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

There will be some work on upgrading zenpundit.com this weekend. Hopefully, nothing will be disturbed as you see it visually, but if there are problems they should be temporary in nature.


Comment system formatting seems to have been improved

Some minor problems continue. For some reason, the blogroll deactivated and is not going back on…..may be a plug-in/browser issue.

Announcement: America 3.0

Monday, November 28th, 2011

Hearty congratulations to Lexington Green and James Bennett of Chicago Boyz on their book deal!

America 3.0

James C. Bennett, author of The Anglosphere Challenge (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), and Michael J. Lotus (who blogs at Chicagoboyz.net as “Lexington Green”), are proud to announce the signing of a contract with Encounter Books of New York to publish their forthcoming book America 3.0.

America 3.0 gives readers the real historical foundations of our liberty, free enterprise, and family life.  Based on a new understanding our of our past, and on little known modern scholarship, America 3.0 offers long-term strategies to restore and strengthen American liberty, prosperity and security in the years ahead.

….America 3.0 shows that our current problems can be and must be transcended with a transition to a new America 3.0, based on modern technology, decentralized communities, and self-reliant families, and a reassertion of fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally limited government and free market economics.   Ironically the future America 3.0 will in many ways be closer to the original vision of the Founders than the fading America 2.0.

America 3.0 gives readers an accurate, and hopeful, assessment of our current crisis.  It also spotlights the powerful forces arrayed in opposition to the needed reform.  These groups include ideological leftists in media and the academy, politically connected businesses, and the public employees unions.  However, as powerful as these groups are, they have become vulnerable as the external conditions change.  A correct understanding of our history and culture, which America 3.0 provides, shows their opposition will be futile.  The new, pro-freedom, mass political movement, which is aligned with the true needs and desires of Americans, is going to succeed….

Read the rest here.


Monday, November 28th, 2011

On a very long post. Six hours of writing so far, still unfinished. Time for bed….

Two Announcements

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

First, Pragati now has my review of Storming the World Stage posted online:

A Jihad for All Seasons 

PDF version in the post here.

Secondly, if you are a user of Kindle and an avid reader of zenpundit.com, you are now able to subscribe to ZP on your Kindle.

This was in response to a reader request, so perhaps there is more interest out there for this option. I hadn’t considered it before, but it is easy to do, so if you are a blogger, you might want to sign your blog up as well. Can’t hurt.

Gunpowder, treason and plot

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

[ by Charles Cameron — instance of religious terrorism, UK, Catholicism, Protestantism, Vendetta-the-movie, Anonymous, OWS, Pharaoh ]



I am seven hours “behind” the land of my birth, but today would be the day on which to remember one Guy — named Guido in the image above — Fawkes, a terrorist whose religious and political sympathies were closely interwoven.


Archbishop Cranmer‘s [dare I say, Laudable?] blog today has a poetic description of the event, a fine illustration:


and some fascinating comments portraying both the event itself and religious terror more generally…

We have had four hundred years to “remember, remember” — should we remember, or should we forgive and forget?


The mask worn in the movie V for Vendetta is a Guy Fawkes mask, now also associated with both the Anonymous group and the Occupy movement… and it shows up in all sorts of strange places…


Pharaoh? Guy Fawkes?

Clear proof that if you connect too many dots, you may go what we Brits call “dotty”…

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