Responding to Hend Amry
Sunday, September 3rd, 2017[ by Charles Cameron — yes, we can feel for Muslim victims as we do in a different register for their persecutors, Buddhists untethered from their moorings ]
When Muslims are the victims of terrorism, there isn't the fraction of western attention as when they're the perpetrators.
— Hend Amry (@LibyaLiberty) September 2, 2017
I must respond:
Burma: #HRW Satellite Images Show Massive Fire Destruction of #Rohingya villages
— hipbonegamer (@hipbonegamer) September 3, 2017
Yes, the core, the deepest stratum of being — zen’s “original face” == the soul goes out. Whether heart and mind follow is variable, utterly human, as you observe.
Washington Post, Hundreds are dead in Burma as the Rohingya crisis explodes again Human Rights Watch, Burma: Satellite Images Show Massive Fire Destruction