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Lego and the Jihad

[ by Charles Cameron — humor — it’s all Abu Muqawama’s fault, plus Dune ]

Playwar has been around for ever, so it’s not surprising that Lego has joined the fray. I’m inclined to think — based on approximately zero evidence — that Andrew Exum started it with his Abu Muqawama masthead:

It’s a nice touch, that, but it has been around for a while and I’m pretty much used to it.

In the last few days, though, Lego and Jihad have cropped up twice in my news feeds:

First there was the Abbottabad compound (above), featured at the Chantilly, VA “Brick Fair:

And today there was a host of jihadists (above) — or latter-day Lawrences of Arabia? — atop the latest post from PaxSims.


Child’s play?


For desert warfare with a touch of spice and Mahdism, give me Dune

One Response to “Lego and the Jihad”

  1. joey Says:

    Second from the right looks like he’s been modeled on Zen.

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