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I am currently working on an op-ed, about four grad school assignments, a sizable project for work ( 30 minute methodology presentation), a burst of administrivial but required paperwork for same, teaching, Saturday is a social event for work, Sunday has one for the family, I have two seminars in two different towns on Monday plus grad class in the evening. At night I try to blog and I’m reading Epictetus and a sizable manuscript in PDF format.

I’m beat. I ‘d like to read the 4GW Decision Making Manual and Friedman and Biddle’s monograph on Hezbollah and Lebanon but there simply is no time right now.

How do the rest of you full-agenda bloggers manage these schedules anyway?

9 Responses to “Multitasking”

  1. Jay@Soob Says:

    Body doubles.

  2. SV Says:

    That’s the most fun manual I’ve ever seen. I’d be in a totally different line of work if they’d been teaching me with that stuff.

  3. Smitten Eagle Says:

    I’m with you, Zen.  I can’t recall being more busy in my life, and yet I have more personal and professional goals now than I have ever had in the past.
    I guess my nose will be to the grindstone.

  4. Kotare Says:

    I feel your pain.

  5. historyguy99 Says:

    I’m with you in looking about at what my life consists of today and I think of a quote by Brigadier General Theodore Rossevelt Jr.,  MOH

    "The longer I live the more I think of the quality of fortitude–men who fall, pick themselves up and stumble on, fall again, and are trying to get up when they die."

    So we find the time to make our live count. Thank god for the technology that makes it possible to have all the knowledge gone before, at our fingertips.

  6. Deichmans Says:

    make sleep optional. 🙂

  7. Diodotus Says:

    "How do all you full-agenda bloggers manage all these schedules anyway?"Half the time we don’t. 

  8. Tatyana Says:

    Oh bummer (oops, I didn’t mean to evoke He Whose Name Should Not Be Called); I thought to ask you and other ChicagoBoyz to <a href="http://creakypavillion.wordpress.com/2008/09/25/chi-chi-chi-chi-chicago/">show me your little village</a>, on the18-19th…

  9. Lexington Green Says:

    ""How do all you full-agenda bloggers manage all these schedules anyway?"Half the time we don’t. "

    Half is about an order of magnitude too high.  Most of the time I don’t.

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