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My Father’s Day Gift this year, from my always thoughtful, technophile spouse,  Mrs. Zenpundit

I would expound at length on the wonders of The Kindle except that the package only arrived this afternoon and the device is charging on the kitchen countertop downstairs. I expect that this will a) reduce some of my book buying expenses* b) get me back into reading a whole newspaper, maybe FT.com, CSM or the NYT instead of reading random articles online, and c) be a much more convenient way to read my favorite blogs on the go than on my crackberry’s tiny interface.

The Eldest and the Son of Zenpundit gave me the following (with a little “help” from me):

The Bloody White Baron: The Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia by James Palmer.

The biography of  “the Mad Baron” of the Russian civil war,  General Baron Ungern von Sternberg of the White armies, a Cossack host and eventually, the Mongols. One of the strangest warlords of the 20th century.

* some books you need to own. Others can just be read. I put most fiction in that category, along with contemporary hyperpartisan politics, business books, memoirs of the niche famous and misc. subjects.

3 Responses to “Kindle”

  1. fabius.maximus.cunctator Says:


    Thought about getting  the White Baron after reading a review in the Economist but decided that other books had priority, particularly as the protagonist seems so unpleasant. Maybe I was wrong though.

    How about a review ? I wd value yr opinion.

  2. Galrahn Says:

    While you are giving the kindle a test drive, I wanted to let you know my blog looks super sexy on Kindle. Just saying 😉

  3. zen Says:

    Heh. Thanks for the heads up G. ID will be the first on the blogreader. 🙂
    FMC. I may bump something from my summer reading list to get to the Baron in a timely fashion. I first heard of him from occasionally sitting in the lectures of W. Bruce Lincoln. a late eminent historian of old Russia

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