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Some DoubleQuotin’ flag’n’gun totin’ tweetin’ goin’ on

[ by Charles Cameron — NB: not claiming equivalency, simply documenting some provocative “compare and contrast” usage on Twitter ]


We had a similar “gun, book and flag” DoubleQuote a while back, though I haven’t been able to relocate it, and as I remember noticing then, there’s a sort of parallax effect that can come into play, whereby some people see a close similarity and not much diference while others see a huge difference and little or no similarity.

Here’s that earlier DoubleQuote:


If you want more details about the un/fairness of the comparison, NRO had a piece on it titled Holly Fisher: Public Enemy Number 310,345,204

As someone who is interested in juxtaposition both as a means of making points and of raising questions, I find this parallax effect of great interest. I suspect that a decent, insightful study might reveal a great deal about the mechanisms by which humans fissiparate into antagonistic groups.

Fissiparate? Okay, maybe not a word yet, but useful all the same.

2 Responses to “Some DoubleQuotin’ flag’n’gun totin’ tweetin’ goin’ on”

  1. Dave Schuler Says:

    Nearly a decade ago over at my own blog I posted a link to an account of the very first direct diplomatic encounter between a Saudi king and a U. S. president here http://theglitteringeye.com/america-does-diplomacy/
    In that post I took note of the resonance between American Jacksonians and the Saudi tribesmen of the time, seventy years ago this year. Your DoubleQuotes in this post bring that to mind.

  2. Charles Cameron Says:

    A fascinating post — and neat to see Burgess responding, too.

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