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TransApocalyptic UnCreativity

[ by Charles Cameron — minor stuff — Anwar al-Awlaki an interfaith copycat? ]


No biggie.

I ran across an al-Awlaki video today where the sheikh talks about the Mahdi, which as you may know is a topic of interest to me. So I was checking to see how much I’d written previously about al-Awlaki’s apocalyptic views, and a quick search brought me to the End of Time / New Beginning CD set I’d expressed a wish for earlier, and I remembered that back then when I first ran across it, it was unavailable…

In any case, that little memory jog sent me back to see whether that particular item had been restocked, and apparently no it hasn’t, but I thought I’d better check on eBay in case they might have a copy, and typed up those keywords, “end of time new beginning”…

and up came a book by Alfred McBride, a Catholic priest of the Praemonstratensian or Norbertine order. So that even the title of the event on which Awlaki’s end times Q & A session was issued was in fact the ripped-off subtitle of a Catholic book published a decade earlier.

O tempora, o mores! Young people today! : )


In case you want to see what Anwar al-Awlaki had to say about the Mahdi back in his San Diego days, you can find the video here: www.youtube.com/v/We91CKWQEgg

But what I really wanted to talk about is the serious Mahdist streak in the thought and writings of the newly released Abu Musab al-Suri, okay? Coming up shortly…

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