Too good to miss, recent miscellanea
[ by Charles Cameron — i don’t know about you, but wondrous strange stuff passes before my eyes daily, as in a dream — here’s a sampler ]
First off, two graphics too good to miss:
From my friend Rabbi Lobel:
and via David Metcalfe:
I should probably stop there — the two of them are so stunning. But I need someplace to park some other recent items that caught my attention..
Then, a chyron ouroboros so brief as to be stunning:
And here are a couple of other tweeted ouroboroi —
Lying about lying.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) August 29, 2019
And this one with the added distinction of coming from a Q-source:
You’ve been Q’d
— Nancy Q Sutherland (@NancymkQ) July 30, 2019
Best game as metaphor for politics meme:
Best folk religion image — Holy Child, Patron Saint of Gas Thieves
BTW, does QAnon get it’s Q from Quelle, German for source and popularly abbreviated Q in New Testament studies, where it is the “hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus’ sayings” (Wiki) on which Matthew and Luke draw for materials not found in Mark?
Or as I suggested to Ali Minai a day or two ago:
the letter Q is what you get when you try to construct a Moebius strip on a plane surface.
Don’t get me started on Borromean rings..
And is there a Q in that initial snake graphic, at the head of this post? Thus I bite my own tail..