[ by Charles Cameron — my laptop keyboard is malfunctioning — my fault — but thanks to MS on-screen keyboard, I’m able to post here ]
How’s this for a DoubleQuote?

I thought I was getting a wee bit tired of screen-grabs from items in my FB, Twitter and newsfeeds, but this one caught me by surprise — too good to miss!
And then there were others:

Alex Jones admitting to psychosis as the explanation for his — extremely profitable, until Twitter banned him this week — conspiracy theories, when his earlier excuse was that he was an entertainer, just kidding.. that too was striking and worth capture.

Firing squad was one of those five-star ***** instances that I’d want to include in any definitive collection of best war metaphors..
And a few more:

That last screen-grab, as you’d have learned from the sound-track, features three inset images for three black churches burned..
This one’s important:

Designating a state actor a terrorist organization goes against most definitions of terrorism, which apply the term to non-state actions only, thereby making the compilation of stats for all sorts of comparative purposes, an already difficult task, even more troublesome — for an excellent overview by the leading authority on terrorism definition, see Alex Schmid, The Revised Academic Consensus Definition of Terrorism
L’affaire Nielsen:

Neal Katyal, who wrote the Special Counsel rules:

Then there’s

President Trump:
Get rid of judges ..
Say.. say, Judge, I an’t do it ..


Chris Matthews:
He comes off as a football owner who keeps changing managers .. or coaches
Eating their own..

You start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying..

All In:

You’re Fired!
Chris Hayes:
One big part of the reason that Donald Trump is our President is because a good number of people believe that the TV character Donald Trump was a real thing, thanks to the years he spent on national TV on our parent network of course, building up a reputation as a successful, self-made tough tycoon, not afraid to make the tough calls when the tough calls needed calling..
Most of us now know that the reality show Trump is not quite the reality we got. And as we saw yet again today, when it came time to deploy that famous tag-line, there seems to be some stage-fright ..

There has been so much turnover in just over two years of the Trump administration that the Washington Post was compelled to produce this graphic, which looks like a game of chutes, ladders, and people who will never get their reputations back:
It’s been 01 day since a high-profile departure from the Trump administration

And so forth..
m 55 Michelle Goldberg:The conventional language of American politics are just not up to describing ..
Rachel Maddow:

Quite a DoubleQuote, Rachel!
And from Velshi, 4/9/2019:
— a sequence on what Trump has offered at the altar of Netanyahu, to help with his election:


I think that does it.net