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Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

Saturday, June 30th, 2007


At the behest of Critt, I’m now on twitter as a complement to the blog. Sean and Dan are with me so at least I’m not out there shouting into the wind.

I’ll give twitter a fair trial. The geek world, of which I claim no membership in due to technical incompetence and sheer lack of time to fully investigate, seems to be very excited about this app ( though not everybody). Rick Klau (previous link) called it “micro blogging” which I think is probably a sustainable, cognitive format for holding attention, moreso than “hey…I’m going to take a shower now” type messages, which would become a tyranny of the mundane once the novelty of using twitter wears off.

We get a mental “charge” or arousal from connectivity with another personwith the social networking aspect but without some kind of interesting content to sustain the connection, our attention is apt to wander.

Friday, June 29th, 2007


Back from vacation.

This will mostly be of true interest to the geeky set, but I’ve addded a new widget, search engine app called Lijit to the blog, which can be found in the upper margin above the archives. For more information, see this post by Ross Mayfield.

Hopefully, it will help readers find information more easily that is buried in my information junkyard of a blog.

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007


On a short trip with the family. Internet connectivity with the new laptop isn’t quite what I hoped it would be so I will be offline for the next few days, enjoying the beach, the children, some good books and a few cold ones.

Be back Thursday or Friday. Cheers !

Thursday, June 14th, 2007


Multiple “meat space” projects and family activities have partially pulled me offline the last few days. Getting this HP and trying it out was one of them. The wireless connection speed is fantastic! Originally, Mrs. Zenpundit had to talk me in to it as our house has no shortage of available PCs, including a brand new Mac, but this laptop is already proving to be quite handy.

Someday, I may even liveblog an event on location. :o)

Thursday, June 7th, 2007


The recent crush of work is coming to an end -regular posting to resume presently.

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