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David to Goliath re-imagined as Low-tech to Hi-tech

Friday, August 30th, 2019

[ by Charles Cameron — direct action in response to likely surveillance, DQ with Doug Coe of The Family ]

This is David takes on Goliath, C21 version:


  • Defense One, Why Hong Kong Protesters Are Sawing Down Sensor-Laden Lampposts
  • **

    And the First para?

    The most successful surveillance devices are unobtrusive by nature, which means spotting them is difficult and engaging with them directly can be surreal. Cameras that look like cellphone chargers are cheap and difficult to spot. Law-enforcement agencies mount gunshot-detecting microphones in streetlights and perch license-plate readers on traffic lights. The DEA hides cameras in traffic cones. Marketers track where you get your chicken sandwiches.

    DoubleQuote The most successful surveillance devices are unobtrusive by nature with the refrain from Doug Coe in Jeff Sharlet‘s Netflix docu-series, The Family, The more you can make your organization invisible, the more influence it will have.

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