Apocalyptic Updates I: Warren Jeffs and a troubled world
Thursday, December 15th, 2011[ by Charles Cameron — prophecy, Warren Jeffs, FLDS, Zion in the US, the future, mapped ]
Well, there you have it: a map of where Warren Jeffs, the imprisoned president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), prophesies there will be major problems soon, if his life sentence for child sexual assault isn’t quickly rescinded.
I’ll bet our meteorologists, intel folks and policy-makers wish they had this kind of insight into just where and what will happen next.
Let’s take a closer look.
That’s Africa, the Middle East and a good bit of Asia and Australasia, with not a whole lot going on to be honest. Turkey?
Turkey helps Israel
“Let Turkey aid Israel in day of great attack against my Israel, lest you also fall and become a subject nation. Amen.”
Iran warning
“Let the nation of Iran cease all aggressive power against neighboring lands and peoples, lest you become a nation no more; only to be of subjugation to a foreign power, to no longer be of aggression”
And that’s it for the ever-contentious Middle East.
And there’s good reason for that. The Middle East isn’t where Zion is.
Take a look at the US now, and see how much more dire the prophetic warnings are here…
An earthquake and tidal wave in Seattle, a “melting fire of such powers to cleanse my land of all evil” in Idaho, a tsunami off the East coast (Californians should be relieved) in which “great and noticeable cities on the coast shall be swept off the land ” — and more.
And that’s because the center of gravity shifts to the US when (a) Christ appears here as well as in Israel, according to the Book of Mormon, and (b) Joseph Smith receives his revelations and founds the Mormon church here.
And if that’s not enough, here are two especially significant events to be on the lookout for:
An attack on Washington, the destruction of Phoenix, and volcanoes across Arizona and Utah…
…which points us to the sites especially sacred to the FLDS — and indeed other churches in the tradition of Joseph Smith:
So that’s the hub of this whole thing, what the Temple Mount / Noble Sanctuary is to potent prophetic and apocalyptic influences in the Middle East: New Jerusalem in Missouri.
So that’s your update on our future prospects as Warren Jeffs sees them.
The map was kindly provided by Lindsay Whitehurst on her Salt Lake Tribune blog, and can be found here. Three of Jeff’s recent prophecies, containing materials used in these maps, have been made public by the Utah Attorney General’s office, and can be downloaded here and here.
Coming up shortly: Apocalyptic Updates II: Iran, the Mahdi and the Vilayat
There’s been some new analysis of the Ahmadinejad / Khamenei split at MEMRI that makes it clear that Ahmadinejad’s Mahdist claims are very much at the root of the issue, so that we have what is essentially a Mahdist vs Velayat standoff on the theological level, and a clerical elite vs populist standoff on the political. Watch this space…