Coronavirus meets religion #7
Friday, April 10th, 2020[ by Charles Cameron — Arundhati Roy nails the relation of science and religion in a brilliant double insight — plus misc other COVID – religion articles ]
Arundhati Roy:
Which scientist or doctor is not secretly praying for a miracle? Which priest is not — secretly, at least — submitting to science?
with this telling pair of questions incorporating a witty reversal — arguably a form of logical chiasmus — the Indian novelist and radical Arundhati Roy shows us what it is to perceive, and what it is to write.
BTW, Ms Roy continues:
And even while the virus proliferates, who could not be thrilled by the swell of birdsong in cities, peacocks dancing at traffic crossings and the silence in the skies?
Note that “peacocks dancing at traffic crossings” clearly belongs along with the goats and coyotes in the streets in my Animal Farms DoubleQuote of a few days back.
Financial Times, The pandemic is a portal
Some religion & coronavirus articles:
Counterpunch, God’s Vengeance: the Christian Right and the Coronavirus
Steven Andrew is pastor of the USA Christian Church in San Jose (CA) who warns, “Obeying God protects the USA from diseases, such as the coronavirus.” He goes on, Bible thumping, “Our safety is at stake since national disobedience of God’s laws brings danger and diseases, such as coronavirus, but obeying God brings covenant protection. … God protects the USA from danger as the country repents of LGBT, false gods, abortion and other sins.”
Andrew is not alone in decrying the coronavirus as god’s curse.
AL Masdar, ISIS calls coronavirus ‘soldier of Allah’, threaten attacks in Chicago, London
WaPo, Can faith healing work by phone? Charismatic Christians try prayer to combat the coronavirus.
Roy and Darlene Curry say that they — like all believing Christians — have the power to miraculously heal the sick. Roy once raised a friend from the dead right at the coffin, he says. A few years ago at their house church in Severn, Md., the couple laid hands on the cancer-riddled body of a young woman who was soon disease-free.
Guardian, The rightwing Christian preachers in deep denial over Covid-19’s danger
A number of American religious leaders have endangered their flock by holding services – and by claiming the virus can be defeated by faith in God
CNN, Ammon Bundy vows to defy stay-at-home order
“Our goal is to get enough people together and secure our rights… we are not trying to provoke, we want people to be able to worship,” Bundy said in a phone interview.s for Easter gathering
NYT, Coronavirus Invades Saudi Inner Sanctum
Its rulers began restricting travel to Saudi Arabia and shut down pilgrimages to the Muslim holy sites of Mecca and Medina even before the kingdom had reported its first case, on March 2.