On myth, magic, rare canned meats, and mathematics
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016[ by Charles Cameron — a tale of Guru Nanak — & the things you can buy on Amazon these days ]
Painting by PM Wylam of Guru Nanak Dev Ji as a young boy
It is said that in his schooldays, young Nanak who, as Guru Nanak, would go on to found the Sikh religion was in math class when the numbers one, two, three and so forth fourth were explained, and objected when the teacher began to talk about two, on the grounds that he hadn’t yet fully grapsped the number one.
Putting that another way, the number one is at least as fascinating in its own possibities as it is with the series of integers that follows it — you may recall my earlier discussions of one and its possible opposites in earlier posts:
Here the conversation takes a completely different turn..
It’s in the spirit of that kind of mythematical — or perhaps better in this case, mathemagical — thinking that I offer this equation:
I’m inclined to think they’d somehow cancel, or at the very least balance, each other out. I wonder whether Amazon has an algorithm that knows that, yet.
Really, I had no idea one could buy dragon’s meat in a can, nor that of unicorns.
I found out about canned unicorn and dragon while while reading up on Tactical Bacon in a spell of NSFW research on the Malheur business:
Oy, the world we live in.