Special Dual Top Billing!!:
CTLab – From the Lake of Fire: Responsible Technology
Tim Stevens invokes Milton, philosophy, physics and the Singularity in discussing the future of cyberspace.
Kotare – The Strategist – A letter to the leaders of small states
How can the few stand against the many ? And thrive? The Strategist explains how.
Now for the best of the rest:
Small Wars Journal – The Manoeuvre Warfare Fraud (Full PDF Article) by Wilf Owen.
Wilf managed to provoke a very robust debate with this jeremiad ( a debate that I regret not having been able to join) against Manuver Warfare generally and concepts articulated by William Lind and John Boyd in particular. In turn, Col. Eric Walters posted a strong rebuttal to Owen at SWJ Blog entitled “Fraud or Fuzziness? Dissecting William Owen’s Critique of Maneuver Warfare” and then entered into a debate/discussion with Owen and other members at the Small Wars Council.
Brad DeLong – Understanding the Three Ways of Dealing with Financial Crises
My personal experience with DeLong was in long past H-Diplo discussions where he impressed me as quite bright and reasonable whether we were on the same side of a question or not. A partisan guy but also a first rate economist. Hat tip to Glittering Eye.
Global Guerillas – JOURNAL: The Weaknesses of Highly Optimized Systems
John Robb was generally en fuego this week. Analytically speaking, he lives for times like these.
Pundita – North Korea and the Russia Card (UPDATED 12:50 PM ET)
Miss Pundita postulates a tie between North Korean antics and the Russo-Georgian War. A reasonable possibility for a friendless regime and an irritated Muscovite psuedo-Tsar.
Robert Kagan – “The September 12 Paradigm”
Kagan, in this article for Foreign Affairs, attempts to define ( or redefine) his times
NewScientist.com – Invention: Muscle Fatigue Blocker
Our future soldiers and athletes will have cocktails of exotic nutriceuticals running through their veins
Pajamas Media – Live From Blogworld: The Political Blogosphere in Transition by Rick Moran
Rick actually lives not too far up the road from me and does a radio show as well as blogging. We had a beer together once, along with Dave Schuler, in an odd little rural roadside bar being encroached upon by creeping suburbia.
Democracy Journal – “Picking a President” by Joseph Nye
On leadership ( registration required)
That’s it!