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Off to a good start, chyrons, headlines, phrases, metaphors, 31

[ by Charles Cameron — Oxford the memory, Edward Said the music critic, WB Yeats and his Tom O’Roughley, Townes Van Zandt in the song of David Broza.. Barr and Aaliyah — four-page letters, kisses .. plus FaallBack, & Wiz Khalifa on my watch [!!] ]

Minefield, yes —

— but also two sides on one stage, so two virtues in the music of ideas:

  • polyphony — many voices, and
  • counterpoint, the juxtaposition, clash and resolution of contrary points of view
  • For war and peace as symphonic, see Edward Said:

    When you think about it, when you think about Jew and Palestinian not separately, but as part of a symphony, there is something magnificently imposing about it. A very rich, also very tragic, also in many ways desperate history of extremes – opposites in the Hegelian sense – that is yet to receive its due. So what you are faced with is a kind of sublime grandeur of a series of tragedies, of losses, of sacrifices, of pain that would take the brain of a Bach to figure out. It would require the imagination of someone like Edmund Burke to fathom.

    Just a snippet — the first paragraph from the Guardian piece:

    Lou Armour is a special needs teacher, an introspective man with a walking stick. If you passed him on the street you probably wouldn’t notice anything about him beyond his limp. But 35 years ago he yomped across the Falkland Islands and ran through a minefield under artillery fire on Mount Harriet. His section killed several Argentinians in a bloody battle and Armour found himself attending to a fatally wounded Argentinian soldier who spoke to him in English about visiting Oxford. He watched as the young man died.

    Ah, Oxford.

    That’s I’d say, is a very good start for this post.


    Okay, back into the mire:

  • Defense One, The US Military Is Creating the Future of Employee Monitoring
  • Uh oh, just what we need!

    As I said to Ali Minai, my view is that of WB Yeats in his poem Tom O’Roughley:

    ‘Though logic choppers rule the town,
    And every man and maid and boy
    Has marked a distant object down,
    An aimless joy is a pure joy,’
    Or so did Tom O’Roughley say
    That saw the surges running by,
    ‘And wisdom is a butterfly
    And not a gloomy bird of prey.

    ‘If little planned is little sinned
    But little need the grave distres.
    What’s dying but a second wind?
    How but in zigzag wantonness
    Could trumpeter Michael be so brave?’
    Or something of that sort he said,
    ‘And if my dearest friend were dead
    I’d dance a measure on his grave.’


    Back to the Mueller probe according to President Trump

    :Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but more importantly, our country was hurt. Our country was hurt. And they are on artificial respirators right now. They are getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

    — and back to “little pencil-neck Adam Schiff” aka “Adam Schitt”:

    He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long-ball hitter, but I saw him today, ‘Well we don’t really know, there still could have been some Russia collusion.’

    Sick, sick.. these are sick people and there has to be accountability because it is all lies and they know it’s lies ..

    Well then:

    That’s an unexpected and welcome follow-up ..


    And so to Trump:

    Wildcard*****, a nice, slightly paradoxical example..


    I’m watching Hanna (Amazon), starring the skilled and lovely Esme Creed-Miles:

    Life, she is full of variety, no?


    elshi & Ruhle:


    MTP 3/29/2019:

    Again, trump, trump, trump..

    Rep Jamie Raskin, his way with words:

    Attorney General Barr writes letters like Agatha Christie novels, there are more and more mysteries built into each one ..

    [Impeachment] it’s the people’s defense against a president who’s acting like a king ..

    Katy Tur:


    The Beat, Ari Melber:

    First, a stream of chyrons..


    I’m dropping this four-page letter and enclosing it with a kiss..

    Aside: the things we learn!!

    Howard Fineman:

    I think he’s part of the team..

    Let me use a basketball analogy if you don’t mind.. You know how, at the end of a game when one team thinks it’s ahead and they spread the floor and start tossing the ball around to keep from getting fouled to stop the clock, that’s my interpretation [of Barr’s actions] here..

    .. dozens of years of Yale Law School education, and we end at the freak-show tent ..

    A pair:

    Then there’s a quote from Obama’s Selma Bridge speech:

    We are the people Langston Hughes wrote of who “build our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how.” We are the people Emerson wrote of, “who for truth and honor’s sake stand fast and suffer long;” who are “never tired, so long as we can see far enough.”

    That’s what America is. Not stock photos or airbrushed history, or feeble attempts to define some of us as more American than others.

    Fallback, which I generally don’t like too much, but here —

    — hunting and shooting a sleeping lion —

    If you’re hunting to eat, that’s one thing ..

    You want to impress me — go fight that lion with your bare hands, knuckles, teeth — and then come back and talk to me..

    [cf past Maasai hunting traditions.. ]

    — and which, further into the Fallback episode, brings us more music — Stay in ur lane:


    So here I’ll take a break..

    6 Responses to “Off to a good start, chyrons, headlines, phrases, metaphors, 31”

    1. Grurray Says:

      Regarding the long ball, there is also this emblem of the 1990s

    2. Charles Cameron Says:

      It’s hard for me to tell, as an un-inducted Brit, whether that commercial verges on the pornographic or not..

    3. Grurray Says:

      Haha… well there might be some deeper insights beyond the home runs and ball bunnies.
      I think there are elements of Charles Atlas’ proverbial seven-stone weakling who transforms himself after sand is kicked in his face.
      And then there’s rising from the depths of Zarathustra’s Roundelay-
      “Joy (or lust which may work better in this context)— deeper yet than woe is she
      Saith woe: ‘Hence! Go!’
      Yet joy would have eternity,
      Profound, profound eternity!”
      I also detect some of Plato’s scala amoris. The perception of beauty triggers forms embedded in us that start us on a climb up this ‘ladder of love’ from the beautiful bodies, to the beautiful souls, to the beautiful laws that all young men utilize to better their lives. A search for the good origins of the beauty leads to the Good itself.
      Finally, of course, I see a little bit of St. Gregory’s doctrine of epektasis, perpetual striving up the endless mountain to approach, but never attain, transcendence. As in Blake’s exclamation of constant striving for unrealized potential:
      “I will not cease from mental fight,
      Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:
      Till we have built Jerusalem,
      In England’s green & pleasant Land.”
      So what does this mean for the practical matter at hand? Aside from that unfortunate belittlement of physical appearances which I admit distracts from any real point, perhaps Trump is just trying to say that the esteemed congressman from Burbank is so wrapped up in the search for Russian collusion that he misses the real search. The search for truth, beauty, and love that brings us ever closer to our ultimate purpose.

    4. Charles Cameron Says:

      If Trump’s a Platonist, I must be an Aristotelian. Who’d have thunk it?

    5. Charles Cameron Says:

      More seriously, epektasis — St Gregory of Nyssa, in what I take to be a Danielou quote in Liviu Petcu, The Doctrine of Epektasis, not one from St Gregory himself:

      authentic but paradoxical experience of the perpetual knowledge of the Unknowable

      and likewise, the perpetual beginner-status of the accomplished.
      Really, these Cappadocians are working at a depth I can barely imagine, let alone realize — depth, height.
      and your description of epektasis, “perpetual striving up the endless mountain to approach, but never attain, transcendence” reminds me of my poem No Place Special, which I posted here a while back.. But that’s me trying to climb to an understanding of a book, which is not exactly the same as Unknowable, eh?

    6. Grurray Says:

      Using our ‘ears on the inside of the skull’ sounds about right to me, whether for the inward call of a book or the inward call up the mountain.
      In ‘The Life of Moses’ Gregory made this wonderful analogy between the Israelites’ passover doorposts and Plato’s tripartite nature of the soul.
      The soul is divided into there parts: the rational representing the upper post of the door and two supporting side posts consisting of the appetitive and the spirited. The spirit trains the rational in courage and the appetite elevates the rational to participate in the Good. In turn the rational provides safety for the spirit and appetite. Virtuous thoughts are the bolts and fasteners binding them together, and the blood of the lamb purifies all.

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