Nonpartisan at ProgressiveHistorians deigned to tag me with this viral post while I was away. Here are the rules:
“Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged“
Now for the random facts regarding me:
8. I’ll drive many extra miles for a good Italian beef sandwich with hot peppers.
7. I’m a crack shot with a rifle; pretty fair with a pistol. Poor with a shotgun.
6. My first car as a teenager – a 1979 Chrysler Cordoba with ” real Corinthian leather” – had an engine that sporadically caught fire. Red tape served as a brake light cover.
5. I now have two dogs after long vowing to never have any. One of them is a furry jerk, but my Firstborn loves the dog, so we’ve kept it.
4. I once had a conversation with William Rehnquist about the French Revolution.
3. Came close to meeting Mikhail Gorbachev once but too many people were milling about. He’s shorter than you expect.
2. You know that line that runs across the width of your palm ? The one that fortune tellers read? I ripped that open back in college while deadlifting 500 lbs for the first time.
1. I sing like a cross between a tomcat and a dying whale.
I officially tag the following bloggers:
Lexington Green
Kobayashi Maru
Dr. Dan
Good luck!