2011, meet 1997 (and 1995, and 1943…)
[ by Charles Cameron — creativity, IARPA, HipBone Games, h/t Hermann Hesse ]
Funny thing, that.
In 1997, Derek Robinson wrote a short piece about my HipBone Games, indicating what they were good for. Read it – then read the IARPA solicitation that just came out.
My approach is to lure people into discovering analogies, metaphors, parallels and oppositions by playing a game which elicits them as game moves — a live process, and one that cuts to the very heart of creativity — IARPA wants an automated version, which will be clunky by comparison. And as Derek points out in his piece — pointed out, that is to say, fourteen years ago, quoting an even earlier (1995) comment from Douglas Hofstadter:
If, instead of using the real world, one carefully creates a simpler, artificial world in which to study the high-level processes of perception, the problems become more tractable.
That’s what my games are — “a simpler, artificial world in which to study the high-level processes of perception” — specifically, “of analogy, metaphor, resemblance, the making and taking of meaning”.
I’ve been working on this stuff for at least fifteen years… inspired by a book Hermann Hesse published in 1943.
And oh yes, there’s a “future of search engines” hiding in there, too.