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Whole lot of DoubleQuoting going on..

[ by Charles Cameroncompare & contrast is a very basic mental practice, and one I’d like to sharpen into the cognitive tool or mental app I term DoubleQuotes ]

This may well be the most significant DoubleTweet of the day — the very fact of its doubleness placing the issue into the category of Who Knows?

— both tweets, as you see, come to us courtesy of Mike Walker, former acting SecArmy & deputy FEMA director — and since this is Friday, let me say #FF him at @New_Narrative.


A French-language DQ worthy of note and our support:


A Trump trumps Trump DQ:

— hat-tip to @pourmecoffee.


Another Trump on Trump, this one caught by Adam Serwer:

FWIW, I’m sure there are Clinton on Clinton DoubleTweets too..


An entire, detailed NYT comparison between the two election campaigns demonstrates the power of extended compare and contrast thinking, aided and abetted by the graphical ease of digital capture and analysis —

NYT e;lection DQ article

— but you’ll need to click through and read it to get the full effect.


And while we’re on the subject of patterns, here’s a great quote which I got via Jessie Daniels:

A fine use of the ouroboric form to hammer home the significance of an observation — and also a powerful contemporary creation myth!

2 Responses to “Whole lot of DoubleQuoting going on..”

  1. Charles Cameron Says:

    Oh my, here’s DoubleQuoting taken to a whole other level, with reverse reading of the same lines —

    — reminiscent of Bach’s Crab Canon as discussed in Hofstadter’s Godel Escher Bach — and shown in this Moebius Strip video —

    — with comments here.

  2. Charles Cameron Says:

    This one’s a DoubleQuote, yes, but not a very exact match IMO:

    Besides, as I understand it, Playboy has gone non-nude, no?

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