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Archive for the ‘non-dual’ Category

Sunday surprise, Joni I — frostbite and sunstroke

Sunday, December 9th, 2018

[ by Charles Cameron — a study in dualities in songs of the wondrous joni m ]

Okay, let’s start with the source of that supremely compressed universe, frostbite and sunstroke:


I say, “compressed universe” because those two words represent the two poles of the entire universe from one angle, and wherever two such poles are present, they transcend:

  • breath, death
  • alpha, omega
  • womb, tomb
  • etc
  • Wikipedia:

    The unity of opposites is the central category of dialectics, said to be related to the notion of non-duality in a deep sense


    The road up and the road down are the same

    Nicolas of Cusa [in Joseph Kelly, The Problem of Evil in the Western Tradition:

    God is the principle of unity, of identity, bringing together in himself all opposites and then transcending them. He is the opposite of the opposites. He negates the contradictions of the world.

    He is the opposite of the opposites!

    And Wikipedia again:

    Mircea Eliade, a 20th-century historian of religion, used the term extensively in his essays about myth and ritual, describing the coincidentia oppositorum as “the mythical pattern”. Psychiatrist Carl Jung, the philosopher and Islamic Studies professor Henry Corbin as well as Jewish philosophers Gershom Scholem and Abraham Joshua Heschel also used the term.

    That’s pretty much my reading list for eternity, plus or minus Plotinus, Shakespeare and the Upanishads..


    So, Joni. Singer-writer in a long tradition.. Vic Garbarini, Joni Mitchell is a Nervy Broad:

    For Mitchell, ordinary life is a semioticist’s paradise, a place where coincidence and synchronicity can be the catalysts that reveal glimpses of a deeper pattern, a unity that underlies and ultimately resolves what appear on the surface to be irreconcilable opposites. In Mitchell’s tales of incredible coincidences on steamy streets or chance encounters with affable drunks in hotel lobbies, vital pieces of the puzzle drop into place, and the whole is glimpsed.

    Oh yes, Joni sees both sides now:

    What the tweet proclaims..

    Monday, August 28th, 2017

    [ by Charles Cameron — c’mon, WaPo ]

    What the tweet proclaims at time of posting [upper panel].. and what you get when you go there [below]:



  • WaPo, tweet
  • WaPo, article
  • Unified is not duelling: please make up your mind, WaPo.

    Jorge Luis Borges and John Le Carré !!

    Sunday, August 27th, 2017

    [ by Charles Cameron — theology and espionage, non-dual — how could i possibly resist? ]


    Thank you, dear friends.

    Both side of both sides, a DoubleTweet

    Thursday, August 24th, 2017

    [ by Charles Cameron — didn’t i post this? okay, it’s a few days old, but i’ll post it ]




    Both forms of both / and:

    What interests me here is that Trump’s tweet and Obama’s both represent “both / and” positions.

    Obama sees our common humanity cutting across whatever borders of skin color or whatever might be thought to separate us.

    Trump shares the blame equally between the alt-right folk and the folk who were protesting them, when at least arguably the protesters came with (largely) peaceable intent, while the alt-right folk were trying for provocation:

    Note, however, that Trump sees things in exactly the reverse manner — another enantiodromia? From Amy Davidson Sorkin in the New Yorker — Donald Trump, from His Tower, Rages at “the Other Side” in Charlottesville:

    You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that. But I’ll say that right now.” The bad group was the white nationalists; the “very violent” group was those who had come to object. In case anyone missed his point, he continued, “You had a group on the other side that came charging in—without a permit—and they were very, very violent.” Trump wasn’t putting the two sides on the same level; he was saying that the counter-protesters were worse.


    There’s a very different feel to the two kinds of “both / and” IMO — Trump’s actually favoring one side in a conflict and protecting it by shifting some of the blame away from it, while Obama’s is neutral as to sides (though in the case of racists vs non-racists, he’d presumably favor the non-racists.

    My head buzzes: an interesting little logical knot, I think.

    Daveed Gartenstein-Ross in Foreign Affairs, my oblique analysis

    Sunday, March 5th, 2017

    [ by Charles Cameron — in which Gartenstein-Ross reminds me of Albrecht Dürer ]

    Daveed speaks:

    Daveed is worth reading and heeding, especially when he says he’s written something of particular consequence — so read his Foreign Affairs piece.


    My topic is triggered by a single sentence in Daveed’s piece, and is orthogonal to his. Daveed writes:

    These spaces included both literal ungoverned territory and discursive spaces

    In the overall flow of Daveed’s piece that’s a simple introductory remark, an observation of fact. From my point of view, though, there’s more to it than that — it’s a disjunction & conjunction of the two realms of geography and cognition, matter and mind, or “outer and inner space” if you will. And that’s something always worth noting.

    In fact, Daveed’s comment reminds me of Albrecht Dürer and his illustrations of Saint Michael Fighting the Dragon, from The Apocalypse:

    Here, the supernatural sits comfortably above (Latin: super) the natural.


    The physical-metaphysical (body-mind; outer-inner; objective-subjective) disjunction & conjunction is recognizable in Descartes, and takes contemporary form as the so-called hard problem in consciousness. It’s significant that the “war in heaven” of Durer’s vision no longer fills the skies in our contemporary images of war, though heaven and hell are no less with us than before..

    And so I note that, en passant, Daveed has alluded to what is perhaps the great schism of our time, that between visionary and factual truths.

    Kathleen Raine, poet — and mentor of my youthful self:

    Fact is not the truth of myth; myth is the truth of fact.

    Witness her distress as we abandon truth of myth shining “above” truth of fact, for truth of fact alone:

    Chemistry dissolves the goddess in the alembic,
    Venus the white queen, the universal matrix,
    Down to molecular hexagons and carbon-chains,

    John of Patmos, the alchemists, Durer, Blake, Jung, Raine, have the richer vision.

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